by Oliver
"First,be friendly to yourself" 这是Jerry对我的临别赠言。我把它作为自己的课题,在日常的沉思中,经常会拿出来思考一下。在一次打坐的过程中,我忽然意识到,“对自己友善一点”就是要温柔的对待自己,每一次呼吸都是如此。也包括对自己的感受真诚的认识与接纳。
First, be friendly to yourself, that's what Jerry left to me when the 5 days' class was over. I put it into my daily contemplation. Once in my meditation, I suddenly realized that I must be gentle to myself each time I breath, and be honest to each of my feelings and accept them. If I want to 'be friendly to myself'.
It also includes that I must accept myself, so that I can accept others. For example, once while I was in my meditating, my son kept going in and out of my room. That was very annoying. I saw my feelings rise up. And I thought why I was angry about that. I found that I was angry because I never accepted that I could be disturbed.
"CAN I be disturbed?" I asked myself.
"Of course I CAN be disturbed" was my answer.
When I realized that, I finally could be free from the angry of being disturbed.