

作者: 心翱翔 | 来源:发表于2015-06-02 21:47 被阅读78次


    【狱警克雷格】:I think we both know why we're here. I'm down[1] five scholars[2] for tomorrow class. You're going to tell me right now why people would suddenly lose interests in Argos catalogues[3] from the 1980s.

    Argos is a British catalogue retailer in the United Kingdom and IrelandArgos is a British catalogue retailer in the United Kingdom and Ireland

    【卢克】:They wouldn't, they couldn't!

    【狱警克雷格】:Is it me? Was urinal cakes all a lie?

    【卢克】:No, it's not you, it's me. I've always known that there's a hole in my heart where there should be Latin. And Mr Dunlop, he's just an old man who puts it into my hole.

    【狱警克雷格】:I thought it was geography.


    【女狱警朵恩】:Sorry to bother you.

    【狱警克雷格】:If you're still looking for that swimming costume from your locker, I think we're going to have to assume[4] it's gone forever.


    【女狱警朵恩】:Ok, your visitor's outside.


    【女狱警朵恩】:And you asked me to let you know if another student switched to Latin.

    【狱警克雷格】:Another one? Who was it?

    【女狱警朵恩】:It's Marcel and Daz. Massive Steve, Lewis, Philip, Gregory and Esteban.


    【女狱警朵恩】I'll let your visitor in.


    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】Ah, Luke! I was meaning to ask you, I nodded off[5] in the cheese course. What did you make of[6] Muscadet[7]?



    【卢克】:(唱歌)Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, Doo-bee-doo[8], doo-bee-doo...


    【狱警克雷格】:What the fuck is wrong with you?


    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Are you all right, old chap? Maybe somebody overdid it with the Madeira[9]...

    Madeira wineMadeira wine


    【卢克】:(唱歌)Solomon[10] and Tina, Solomon and Tina.

    Soloman, King of IsraelSoloman, King of Israel


    【狱警克拉个】:Say one more word and you're losing three months' visits.


    【狱警克雷格】:You tell me what's going on in this class.

    (注:拉丁语教师邓禄普刚要回话,此时狱警克雷格手中的对讲机响了起来 ALARM BLARES[11]

    【来自狱警克雷格对讲机的声音】:Code 114 to West Wing, 30- inmate[12] disturbance[13].


    【女狱警朵恩】:You coming? They're really kicking off[14] out there. Apparently there aren't enough transfer request[15] forms to go around[16].

    School Transfer Request FormSchool Transfer Request Form


    【狱警克雷格】:This is not over. Right, maybe I'll pay your little class a visit tomorrow.

    【卢克】:I wouldn't want you to miss your own class.

    【狱警克雷格】:I will.

    【卢克】:Please, don't.


    【狱警克雷格】:OK. I still will.


    【卢克】:Sir, he's trying to shut us down[17]. He's somehow under impression that[18] we're not studying Latin.

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Then, we shall tell him we're living our lives[19]. We'll not be shackled[20] by him and his little rules.

    Chain shackleChain shackle Bow shackle(弓形钩环)Bow shackle(弓形钩环) A shackled prisonerA shackled prisoner

    【卢克】:We would do that, yes. Or we could crack open[21] that little mock paper[22] you were talking about.

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:I don't follow[23] you.

    【卢克】:If Creg doesn't see some pretty solid[24] Latin, I can forget about living my life forever.

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Then, that's what we shall do! A brilliant plan. But alas[25]... I've left the rotten[26] things in my place in the Lake District.

    【卢克】:Well, is there no way you can get them by tomorrow?

    【拉丁语教师】:Dear boy, it's hundreds of miles away.

    【卢克】:There must be way[27]! I mean, seize the moment you live your life! Don't do it for me, do it for yourself! No! Do it for Agnes.

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:My dental hygienist[28].

    Dental hygienistDental hygienist

    【卢克】:No, no, your wife.

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:She's called Angie.

    【卢克】:Will you do it?

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Was Virgil an Etruscan?

    【卢克】:Well, actually I don't know.

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Tonight, I will dust down[29] the old MG[30]!

    MG Car LogoMG Car Logo


    MG sports carMG sports car

    【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:This takes me back to my geography days.

    1. 【down】adj. 悲哀的,沮丧的,情绪低落的

    2. 【scholar】n. 学者;奖学金获得者;聪颖勤奋的学生

    3. 【Argos】是一家在英国和爱尔兰运营的英国商品目录式零售商(catalogue retailer)。该零售商一年发布两次商品目录,一月份为春夏版,七月份为秋冬版。发布的产品目录达上千页,包括产品样照、产品简介、价格和产品目录编码。到店内购物的顾客,需填写一份所购商品的订购单,交给柜台并付款后,会拿到一张收据,上面打印有顾客等待取货的地点。不久,工作人员会将从商品库房中收集的所购物品,交到顾客的手中,并在顾客的收据上盖上带有 “收讫” 字样的印章,此后,该收据就无法再次使用。这一零售方式,让店偷们感到非常灰心丧气。

    4. 【assume】v. 假定;假设;认为

    5. 【nod off】打盹;打瞌睡

    6. 【make of】理解;看待

    7. 【Muscadet】['mʌskədeɪ] n. (法国)麝香干白葡萄酒

    8. 【Doo-bee-doo】无聊之人填补寂静时制造的声音

    9. 【Madeira】n. 一种产自葡萄牙马德拉岛的白葡萄酒

    10. 【Soloman】n. 所罗门:大卫王之子,约公元前970 - 约前930年为古以色列国王。在《圣经》中与《雅歌》、《传道书》、《箴言篇》相联系,而他的智慧在所罗门的审判中有详细阐述。然而,由于不满他的统治,他的儿子罗波安统治下的北方各部落从他的王国中脱离出去

    11. 【blare】v. 发出响亮刺耳的声音

    12. 【inmate】n. 同居者:指同居一室的多位居住者中的一位,尤指住在同一机构的人,如监狱和医院

    13. 【disturbance】n. 干扰,障碍,紊乱,动乱

    14. 【kick off】(事件、比赛或讨论等)开始;(足球比赛中)开球;踢掉(鞋)

    15. 【transfer request】转学申请;转移请求;传送请求;传输请求。~ form:转学申请表;转移请求表;传送请求表;传输请求表

    16. 【go around】足够分配;扑过去;兴冲冲开始干;重飞;复飞;流行;四处走动

    17. 【shut sb down】打败某人

    18. 【under impression that...】印象中;有...的印象;觉得;以为;认为

    19. 【live our lives】过我们的生活

    20. 【shackle】v. 束缚;给(某人)戴镣铐;阻挠;成为...的羁绊。n. 桎梏;脚镣;手铐;束缚(物);钩环

    21. 【crack open】啪地一声打开;用力敲开;捶开;砸开

    22. 【mock】adj. 虚假的,不诚实的,模拟的,模仿的。~ paper:模拟试卷

    23. 【follow】v. 理解

    24. 【pretty solid】相当好的;相当结实的;相当可靠的;相当稳定的

    25. 【but alas】但很可惜。alas:(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀,唉

    26. 【rotten】adj. 非常糟糕的,恶劣的;腐烂的,腐败的,腐朽的;(强调非常生气或沮丧)倒霉的,破烂的

    27. 【there must be way】一定有办法

    28. 【hygienist】n. 牙科保健员;牙科洁治员

    29. 【dust down】掸去灰尘

    30. 【MG】一款英式跑车



