当我们最终走到了母亲的身边。我们转身,我们转身,用背靠在她身上, 然后我们看着自己的伴侣,看见在我们伴侣的身后,站着他们的母亲。然后我们就开始了那个移动,朝向我们伴侣的移动,同时感觉自己的妈妈在我的身后。
向自己的伴侣迈出小小的一步,去超越自己的那些抵抗。一步一步地,直到我们走到伴侣的身边,跟他/她及他/她的母亲在一起。 跟自己的伴侣联结着,跟自己的母亲与伴侣的母亲也联结着。
我们一起转身,我们转身,看着自己的孩子。这是如此的不同啊!这是如此的不同啊,对于所有人都感觉那么的安宁、安全, 而且那么的快乐。而且这对于健康来讲,也是如此的机会啊!
Now, you close your eyes. and we go back to the movements to our mother. and tiny steps. And when we look at our mother, we see behind her her mother. And behind her mother, the other mothers far back. And slowly we move to the all. Coming home at last. Coming home our origin. Coming home our first and greatest love.
When we have reached our mother at last, return, and lean against her with lour back and look at our partner. and see behind him or her, their mother. and then we begin the movement towards our partner, feeling our mother behind.
And take a tiny step, towards our partner, overcoming our resistances. Step by step, until we reach our partner, and with him or her also their mother. Connected with our partner, and connected with our mother and their mother.
Together we turn and look at our children. What a difference! What a difference of security for all and of hapiness. And what a chance for health!