1.一坐下就要开始动笔写-On just sitting down and doing it.
2.彻底抛弃“做好心理准备后就写”这样的想法吧-On starting before you are ready.
3.找出最合适的时间-On finding your routine.
4.清楚一切可能性的障碍-On unplugging.
5.选一个主题-On finding a subject.
6.整理你的思绪-On keeping your thoughts organized.
7.写作提纲的重要性-On the importance of having an outline.
8.把最初的idea迅速消化并写出来-On getting through the first draft.
9.写作的规范(保持自律)-On being disciplined.
10.敢于写砸,并没什么大不了的-On being willing to write badly.
11.在写完全文之前不要回头检查-On not looking back.
12.关于畏惧,无所畏惧-On fear.
13.培养专注力-On building up your ability to concentrate.
14.掌握同时间处理多任务的能力-On the power of multiple projects.
15.朋友圈子会对你产生一定的影响-On who to hang out with.
16.关于反馈-On feedback.
17.写完后找他人读一读-On second readers.
18.用他人的卓越和成就鼓励自己-On other's fame and success.
19.停笔休息的时候就彻底放松,在你还想继续的时候完成当天的写作量。-On when to stop.
20.写到一半受阻-On getting stuck.
21.对于突发状况有准备-On things getting out of control.
22.遇到瓶颈该怎么办-On writing when the thing is going to get tough.
23.尽人事-On doing all that you can.
24.关于毅力-On persevering.
25.其实这些建议都不用太当回事儿-On why none of this advice really matter.