

作者: Zitronen_suri | 来源:发表于2020-12-20 11:05 被阅读0次

    地产大亨王振华因猥亵 9 岁女童,目前已被检察院以涉嫌猥亵儿童罪批准逮捕。一面天使、一面恶魔,这句话用来形容新城控股原董事长王振华,可谓恰如其分。他的 A 面光鲜亮丽:全国“五一”劳动奖章、江苏省优秀民营企业家、常州市明星企业家、中华慈善突出贡献人物……;他的 B 面却让人不寒而栗:9 岁女童惨遭其毒手,不少人追问:他是“初犯”,还是“惯犯”?还有没有更多受害女童?

    # Chinese real estate empire loses $5 billion in value after founder Wang Zhenhua detained

    Billionaire Wang Zhenhua, who founded Future Land Development Holdings in 1996, was detained earlier this week on suspicion of having molested a minor in a Shanghai hotel, Chinese media reported.

    据中国媒体报道,本周早些时候,亿万富翁王振华因涉嫌在上海一酒店猥亵未成年人被刑事拘留。王振华于 1996 年创立了新城发展控股有限公司。

    "At 9 p.m. on July 3, Shanghai police issued a briefing on its official Weibo account. From that, it has been confirmed by the police that Wang Zhenhua, the de facto controller of Seazen Holdings, is suspected of molesting a girl," a Chinese news agency reported on Thursday.

    据中国媒体机构周四的报道:“7 月 3 日晚 9 点,上海警方在其官方微博上发布了一份简报。这份简报称,警方已经证实,新城控股集团股份有限公司的实际控制人王振华涉嫌猥亵女童。”

    Future Land issued an open letter in Chinese Friday in which it apologized for its founder's reported behavior and the "great suffering" he had caused the alleged victim and her family.


    The crash wiped about $5.4 billion off the value of the three companies with links to Wang Zhenhua, which are Future Land, S-Enjoy Service Group Co. and Seazen Holdings Co., according to Refinitiv data.

    根据路孚特公司的数据,此次事故使得与王振华有关的三家公司市值蒸发了大约 54 亿美元,这三家公司分别是新城发展控股有限公司、新城悦服务集团有限公司和新城控股集团股份有限公司。

    Global credit ratings agencies warned on Friday that Wang's detention could damage the real estate group's standing with partners, investors, and potential customers.


    The Seazen website has been updated to remove Wang from its management team lineup. His place as chairman has been taken by his son, Wang Xiaosong.


    The fallout from Wang's detention has already resulted in a significant financial hit to his personal fortune, which has shrunk $1.5 billion in the last two days, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

    据“彭博全球亿万富豪实时排行榜”显示,王振华被拘留已经对他个人造成了重大的财务损失,过去两天,他的财富缩水了 15 亿美元。



