生活中你是否遇到过这样的人,他们喜欢就某一件事情发表自己的看法,可在一通喋喋不休之后,作为听众的你能提炼出来的信息却并不多,于是你据理力争,想要和对方“一决高下”,可正面 battle 后剩下的只有还漂浮在半空中的唾沫星子。与其说这是辩论,不如说是对方故作姿态的自说自话,这样的所谓“辩论”实在太过苍白,那么今天的这篇文章讨论的就是辩论的艺术,教你如何“舌战群儒”,科学辩论
# The science of influencing people: two ways to win an argument
“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters of religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s,” wrote Mark Twain.
Having written a book about our most common reasoning errors, I would argue that Twain was being rather uncharitable — to monkeys. Whether we are discussing Trump or Brexit, we have all come across people who appear to have next to no understanding of world events — but who talk with the utmost confidence and conviction.
Fortunately, recent psychological research offers evidence-based ways towards achieving more fruitful discussions.
Ask ‘how’ rather than ‘why’
A simple but powerful way of deflating someone’s argument is to ask for more detail.
It’s important to note that simply asking why people supported or opposed the policy — without requiring them to explain how it works — had no effect, since those reasons could be shallower with little detail. You need to ask how something works to get the effect.
If you are debating the merits of a no-deal Brexit, you might ask someone to describe exactly how the UK’s international trade would change under WTO terms.
Reframe the issue
Each of our beliefs is deeply rooted in a much broader and more complex political ideology. Attacking one issue may therefore threaten to unravel someone’s whole worldview.
You are not going to alter someone’s whole political ideology in one discussion, so a better strategy is to disentangle the issue at hand from their broader beliefs, or to explain how the facts can still be accommodated into their worldview.
A free-market capitalist who denies global warming might be far more receptive to the evidence if you explain that the development of renewable energies could lead to technological breakthroughs and generate economic growth.