
drifting creepily along, his toes hitting each stair as they descended.(to move along in the air), held up by his own wand, which was being pointed at him Sirius. 漂浮在空中
bring up the rear 殿后,断后,跟在后面
a single file 排成一列
on the low ceiling 低矮的天花板
I'm your godfather. 教父,代父,监护人
protruding from the ceiling 从……中突出

as croaky as: like the sounds of frogs and crows 哇哇地说
Harry's mind was buzzing.(full of excitement) 兴奋
There party(a group of people) was bathed in moonlight. 一群旅游的人,一队人

His shoulders were hunching. 隆起的
see the werewolf taking flight 逃走
gallop into 冲向
there were gashes across his muzzle and back 深的伤口,犬的面部(口鼻部)
he pounded away 脚步沉重地跑

He had a moment's indecision. 一阵犹豫不决
run flat out 全速奔跑
in a black mass 一团漆黑
encircle 包围住
blot the screaming from his ears 溅出

an evil wind 黑云,妖风
scabbed skin 有疙瘩的,长疥的
clammy hands 粘湿的
putrid breath 腐化的
ebb away 渐渐消逝
with every ounce of strength he could muster 集中,集……

canter(a trot like a horse)马的慢跑