列奥纳多·达·芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期最杰出的代表之一,他才华横溢、学识渊博,是多个领域的专家和先驱。然而,达·芬奇其实也是一位“重度拖延症患者”,他的传世画作《蒙娜丽莎》画了四年,《最后的晚餐》画了三年,直到去世时,还有多幅手稿未画完。他在自己的一则笔记中写道:“Dimmi, dimmi se mai fu fatto cosa alcuna.”(告诉我,告诉我,到底有哪样事情是完成了的?)这简直与我们如今面对各种 deadline 却拖着迟迟不愿开动的现代人别无二致。“拖延症”究竟是一种怎样的状态?为何无论是天才还是普通人,无论是过去还是现在都难以避免?我们和 Lala 老师一起走进今天的新闻来一探究竟。
You might be genetically predisposed to procrastination
Fast Company
If you like to put things off or surf the internet instead of getting work done, you might be able to blame your ancestors. Procrastination is based in our genetics, says Sharad Paul, MD, author of The Genetics Of Health: Understand Your Genes for Better Health.
While procrastination seems like a character flaw, it evolved for a reason. “The genes progressed down generations because these people were still holed up in caves fearful of predators [saying], ‘My tools are not sharp enough. I better spend more time perfecting this spear, ’” he says. “These people survived more because they avoided conflict, and these genes were handed down to future generations.”
While it’s tempting to simply blame your parents, the buck stops with you, says Paul. “People think that genes determine their fate. This is only true if their actions lead in that direction.”
The best thing to combat procrastination is to get moving, says Paul. “Start slow and keep building endurance levels up, ” he says. “There are many different forms of endurance exercise and many involve leg movement. Pick one that you like and make sure you vary it. An average of just 30 minutes a day has been shown to be beneficial.”
Anything can be modified or improved, including our gene expressions, says Paul, who likes to reference the 10, 000-hours theory Malcolm Gladwell shares in his book The Outliers, suggesting that talent is made with practice and commitment, not an innate trait.
“If you have the right genes, this could be perhaps a bit faster, but not by much, ” he says. “Therefore, there is hope for us all.”
如何理解“the buck stops with you”的含义?
You might be genetically predisposed to procrastination
If you like to put things off or surf the internet instead of getting work done, you might be able to blame your ancestors. Procrastination is based in our genetics, says Sharad Paul, MD, author of The Genetics Of Health: Understand Your Genes for Better Health.
While procrastination seems like a character flaw, it evolved for a reason. “The genes progresseddown generations because these people were still holed up in caves fearful of predators [saying], ‘My tools are not sharp enough. I better spend more time perfectingthis spear,’” he says. “These people survived more because they avoided conflict, and these genes were handed down to future generations.”
While it’s tempting to simply blame your parents, the buck stops with you, says Paul. “People think that genes determine their fate. This is only true if their actions lead in that direction.”
The best thing to combat procrastination is to get moving, says Paul. “Start slow and keep building endurance levels up,” he says. “There are many different forms of endurance exercise and many involve leg movement. Pick one that you like and make sure you vary it. An average of just 30 minutes a day has been shown to be beneficial.”
Anything can be modified or improved, including our gene expressions, says Paul, who likes to reference the 10,000-hours theory Malcolm Gladwell shares in his book The Outliers, suggesting that talent is made with practice and commitment, not an innatetrait.
保罗说,任何东西都可以被调整或完善,包括我们的基因表现。他常引用马尔科姆·格拉德威尔在其著作《异数》中所分享的 10000 小时定律,认为天才是通过(不断的)练习和付出锤炼而成的,而非天资过人。
“If you have the right genes, this could be perhaps a bit faster, but not by much,” he says. “Therefore, there is hope for us all.”
v. 有…的倾向,使倾向于做…
搭配短语:predispose sb. to sth.
predispose sb. to sth. 例句:Fatigue predisposes people to colds.
n. 拖延,拖延症
英文释义:the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring
相关词汇:procrastinate(v. 拖延,耽搁)
put sth. off
搭配短语:put off the plan
相关词汇:put sb. off(令(某人)退却,使(某人)扫兴)
put sb. off 例句:The smell of hospitals always puts me off.
surf the internet
n. 基因(构成)
v. 缓慢进行,取得进展
英文释义:to continue gradually
相关词汇:progress(n. 进步,进展)
progress(n.)搭配短语:make progress
hole up
搭配短语:hole up/be holed up in the mountain
n. 食肉动物,捕食者
v. 使完美;改善,提高
相关词汇:perfect(adj. 完美的)
搭配短语:perfect the basketball technique
hand down
例句:These customs have been handed downthrough the ages.
the buck stops with sb.
例句:The buck stops with me.
n. 耐受力,忍耐力
相关词汇:endure(v. 忍耐)
endure 例句:We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
v. 改变;更改
英文释义:cause something to change in amount or level
例句:Please modify this e-mail to make it more polite.
v. 引用
词性拓展:reference(n. 谈及;引用;参考;推荐信)
搭配短语:to reference sth.
adj. 天生的,固有的
英文释义:If a characteristic or ability is already present in a person or animal when they are born, it is innate.
搭配短语:innate sense of humor
英文释义:A trait is something about you that makes you "you".
同义词:characteristic; feature; quality