2023-02-20 Journal

2023-02-20 Journal

作者: 松龄学编程 | 来源:发表于2023-02-19 20:53 被阅读0次
    • Please Introduce yourself.
    • I think that I have been developing iOS for more than 7 years, so I have seasoned skills in software development. Also, I have limited working proficiency language skill. I can listen, speak, read and write. I am well-educated. I am bachelor of management, major in information management and information system, graduated from ShanDong university of Finance and Economics. I have passion in technology, always have intrinsic curosity in technological innovations.
    • Every roads lead to Rome.


    • What are highlights of your resume?
    • More than 7 years of experience in developing iOS software. Limited working proficiency English language skill. Well-education background. Bachelor of management, major in information management and information system. Graduated from Shandong university of Finance and Economics. I have passion in technology, intrinsic curorsity in technological innovations.
    • Don't judge a book by its cover.



          本文标题:2023-02-20 Journal
