外刊翻译精读笔记|【经济学人】Money mountains(中

外刊翻译精读笔记|【经济学人】Money mountains(中

作者: 英语翻译Sam | 来源:发表于2017-09-12 15:27 被阅读88次


    Money mountains

    The pile far exceeds the cash buffers that tech and pharmaceutical firms traditionally carry to compensate for their lack of physical assets that debt can be secured against. For example a selection of five cash hoarders from an early generation of tech giants—Cisco, Intel, Oracle, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments—together have had an average ratio of only 1.3 times since 1996.

    pharmaceutical [,fɑrmə'sutɪkl] connected with making and selling drugs and medicines制药的;配药的;卖药的

    physical assets实物资产,实体资产


    The money mountain will get much bigger as profits soar. The five firms have policies for returning some cash to shareholders. For example, Alphabet and Facebook will not pay dividends for the “foreseeable future” but have small buy-back programmes, albeit with no deadlines. Apple pays a meaty dividend and has a budget for repurchasing shares until 2019.

    soar if the value, amount or level of sth soars, it rises very quickly急升;猛增

    *Unemployment has soared to 18%. 失业率猛升到了 18%。



    Factoring in these programmes, and analysts’ profit forecasts, their total net cash will reach $680bn by 2020, or three times gross cashflow. Even Amazon, which has a relatively small pile now, will reach $50bn.

    Factor n. one of several things that cause or influence sth因素;要素

    factor sth ∽ in | factor sth ∽ into sth把…因素包括进去

    *Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project. 规划该项目时,记住要把雇人费用这个因素考虑进去。


    One reason for the cash build up is tax: 80% of the five firms’ gross cash is held abroad, allowing them to defer the levy American firms pay when repatriating profits. The bill for bringing half the cash home might be about $50bn. That is not to be sniffed at, but being clever about tax has become an excuse for firms to obfuscate and dither about their plans for their balance sheets.

    build up v. 使积聚;使逐渐增加;n. 逐步的增长

    obfuscate v. to make sth less clear and more difficult to understand, usually deliberately(故意地)混淆,使困惑,使模糊不清

    *She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.她被批评使用了混淆主要问题的论点。

    dither v. to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide犹豫不决;踌躇

    *We're still dithering over whether to marry.我们仍在犹豫要不要结婚。


    The cash cushion is far larger than is needed to absorb shocks, such as a financial crash or a hacking attack. Schumpeter has devised a tech “stress test”. It assumes that staff are paid in cash not shares, which might happen after a stock market collapse, and that firms pay all their contingent tax liabilities (including all repatriation levies) as well as regulatory and litigation claims. It also includes a year of contractual payments—for instance Apple has to pay $29bn to component suppliers. Including all of these costs, the five firms would still have $380bn of net cash by 2020.

    contingent adj. Liable to occur but not with certainty; possible. 可能的;可能但又有不确定性的;Happening by chance or accident; fortuitous偶然的:偶然或意外发生;depending on something else in the future in order to happen 视…而定的;因…而变的;取决于…的

    *Outdoor arrangements are, as ever, contingent on the weather.同以前一样,室外布置依天气而定。


    Nor could fresh investments soak up all the cash. The five tech firms together put $100bn last year into research and development and capital spending, three times more than half a decade ago. A torrent of money is already flowing into data centres, software, new headquarters and “moon shots” such as driverless cars and immortality drugs. In order for the firms to spend all of the cashflow they are on track to retain, annual investment would need to rise to almost $300bn by 2020.

    soak up If a soft or dry material soaks up a liquid, the liquid goes into the substance 吸收(液体);If you soak up the sun, you sit or lie in the sun, because you enjoy it 晒(太阳);If something soaks up something such as money or other resources, it uses a great deal of money or other resources用去,耗费(大量金钱、资源等)。

    *External broadcasting soaks up more resources in Britain than elsewhere.英国花费在对外广播上的财力高于其他国家。



    Nor could fresh investments soak up all the cash.

    这句以nor开头,句子倒装,could前置。相当于fresh investments could not soak up all the cash, either。具体翻译为:新投资也用不完所有现金。



          本文标题:外刊翻译精读笔记|【经济学人】Money mountains(中
