Global Marketing as a Force Helping a Local University to Become aGlobal One: a Case Study on the University of A
As set out in the strategy of the University ofA (hereafter referred as “The University”), The University is “to maximise theUniversity’s international reach and influence, ensuring that the impact madeby our education, research and alumni community is globally relevant”, inrecent years The University has been transforming from a local university to atruly international one by adopting global marketing. This essays analyses howglobal marketing act as an effective approach to help the university to achieveits goal.
Strengths of the The
University’s global marketingFirst and foremost, it has been The University’stradition of “developing international community, global reach and impact” asits Pro-Vice-Chancellor (international) pointed out. It is not a new thing for TheUniversity to capitalize on the global marketing. Secondly, officers both at facultyand university levels were appointed to focus on global marketing. Forinstance, was appointed as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for international. Prior tohis new post, he was Pro-Vice-Chancellor for global engagement at the another university,which is one of the leaders in the global market of higher educations On thefaculty level, it created a role of Pro-Dean for International responsible for deliveringthe international plans. Thirdly, The University has established offices inChina, Japan, Nigeria, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and has selected representativesin Africa, Americas, East Asia, Europe, Gulf and Middle East, South Asia andSoutheast Asia. The global networks helps to promote and localise TheUniversity’s global marketing.