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读码笔记-YYWebImage源码 (二) -YYWebImag

读码笔记-YYWebImage源码 (二) -YYWebImag

作者: 馒头MT | 来源:发表于2016-01-09 11:27 被阅读1325次



 *  YYWebImageOperation 类是NSOperation的子类,用来通过请求获取图片, 
     @discussion 首先这个operation是异步的,你可以通过把operation添加到一个queue里面来让这个operation生效,或者直接调用'start'方法.当这个operation开始之后,将会做以下事情:
     1.从cache获取 图片,如果取到了,就返回'completion'block,并把图片传入block.
     2.通过图片URL开启一个请求,会通过'progress'参数来通知women图片下载的进度,并且如果在传入option的时候开启了progressive option,会在completionblock里面返回一个渐进显示的图片
@interface YYWebImageOperation : NSOperation

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURLRequest *request;     ///< The image URL request.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURLResponse *response;   ///< The response for request.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) YYWebImageOptions options; ///< The operation's option.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) YYImageCache *cache;       ///< The image cache.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *cacheKey;        ///< The image cache key.

 *  这个URL connection 是否是从 存储的认证里面授权查阅出来的.默认值为YES
    @discussion 这个值是NSURLConnectionDelegate的方法-connectionShouldUseCredentialStorage:的返回值
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldUseCredentialStorage;

 *  NSURLCredential类
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURLCredential *credential;

 *  构造方法,会创建并返回一个新的operation
    你应该调用start方法来开启这个operation,或者把它加到一个operation queue
 *  @param request    图片请求,不可为nil
 *  @param options    下载模式
 *  @param cache      图片缓存,传nil的话就禁用了缓存
 *  @param cacheKey   缓存key,传nil禁用图片缓存
 *  @param progress   下载进度block
 *  @param transform  这个block会在图片下载完成之前调用来让你对图片进行一些预处理,传nil禁用
 *  @param completion 图片下载完成后或者已经取消下载了调用
 *  @return operation实例,出现错误的话就为nil
- (instancetype)initWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
                          cache:(YYImageCache *)cache
                       cacheKey:(NSString *)cacheKey
                     completion:(YYWebImageCompletionBlock)completion NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

- (instancetype)init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
+ (instancetype)new UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;


static OSSpinLock URLBlacklistLock;//黑名单锁,OSSpinLock(自旋锁)大概是iOS中效率最高的一种锁了


 *  把url添加进黑名单
 *  @param url 
static void URLInBlackListAdd(NSURL *url) {
    if (!url || url == (id)[NSNull null]) return;
    [URLBlacklist addObject:url];


+ (NSThread *)_networkThread {
    static NSThread *thread = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_networkThreadMain:) object:nil];
        if ([thread respondsToSelector:@selector(setQualityOfService:)]) {
            thread.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfServiceBackground;
        [thread start];
    return thread;

/// Global image queue, used for image reading and decoding.
+ (dispatch_queue_t)_imageQueue {
#ifdef YYDispatchQueuePool_h
    return YYDispatchQueueGetForQOS(NSQualityOfServiceUtility);
    #define MAX_QUEUE_COUNT 16
    static int queueCount;
    static dispatch_queue_t queues[MAX_QUEUE_COUNT];
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    static int32_t counter = 0;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        queueCount = (int)[NSProcessInfo processInfo].activeProcessorCount;
        queueCount = queueCount < 1 ? 1 : queueCount > MAX_QUEUE_COUNT ? MAX_QUEUE_COUNT : queueCount;
        if ([UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion.floatValue >= 8.0) {
            for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < queueCount; i++) {
                dispatch_queue_attr_t attr = dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, QOS_CLASS_UTILITY, 0);
                queues[i] = dispatch_queue_create("com.ibireme.image.decode", attr);
        } else {
            for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < queueCount; i++) {
                queues[i] = dispatch_queue_create("com.ibireme.image.decode", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
                dispatch_set_target_queue(queues[i], dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0));
    int32_t cur = OSAtomicIncrement32(&counter);
    if (cur < 0) cur = -cur;
    return queues[(cur) % queueCount];
    #undef MAX_QUEUE_COUNT


 *  构造方法
 *  @param request    请求
 *  @param options    option
 *  @param cache      缓存
 *  @param cacheKey   缓存key
 *  @param progress   进入
 *  @param transform  预处理
 *  @param completion 完成
 *  @return <#return value description#>
- (instancetype)initWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
                          cache:(YYImageCache *)cache
                       cacheKey:(NSString *)cacheKey
                     completion:(YYWebImageCompletionBlock)completion {
    self = [super init];
    if (!self) return nil;
    if (!request) return nil;
    _request = request;
    _options = options;
    _cache = cache;
    _cacheKey = cacheKey ? cacheKey : request.URL.absoluteString;
    _shouldUseCredentialStorage = YES;
    _progress = progress;
    _transform = transform;
    _completion = completion;
    _executing = NO;
    _finished = NO;
    _cancelled = NO;
    _taskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
    return self;

 *  析构方法里面使用了递归锁防止死锁,因为请求可能是有多个的.
- (void)dealloc {
    [_lock lock];
    if (_taskID != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid) {
        [_YYSharedApplication() endBackgroundTask:_taskID];
        _taskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
    if ([self isExecuting]) {
        self.cancelled = YES;
        self.finished = YES;
        if (_connection) {
            [_connection cancel];
            if (![_request.URL isFileURL] && (_options & YYWebImageOptionShowNetworkActivity)) {
                [YYWebImageManager decrementNetworkActivityCount];
        if (_completion) {
            @autoreleasepool {
                _completion(nil, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromNone, YYWebImageStageCancelled, nil);
    [_lock unlock];


- (void)_startOperation {
    if ([self isCancelled]) return;
    @autoreleasepool {
        // get image from cache
        if (_cache &&
            !(_options & YYWebImageOptionUseNSURLCache) &&
            !(_options & YYWebImageOptionRefreshImageCache)) {
            UIImage *image = [_cache getImageForKey:_cacheKey withType:YYImageCacheTypeMemory];
            if (image) {//取到了图片
                [_lock lock];
                if (![self isCancelled]) {//没有取消,
                    if (_completion) _completion(image, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromMemoryCache, YYWebImageStageFinished, nil);
                [self _finish];
                [_lock unlock];
            if (!(_options & YYWebImageOptionIgnoreDiskCache)) {
                __weak typeof(self) _self = self;
                dispatch_async([self.class _imageQueue], ^{
                    __strong typeof(_self) self = _self;
                    if (!self || [self isCancelled]) return;//判空处理
                    UIImage *image = [self.cache getImageForKey:self.cacheKey withType:YYImageCacheTypeDisk];
                    if (image) {
                        [self.cache setImage:image imageData:nil forKey:self.cacheKey withType:YYImageCacheTypeMemory];
                        [self performSelector:@selector(_didReceiveImageFromDiskCache:) onThread:[self.class _networkThread] withObject:image waitUntilDone:NO];
                    } else {
                        [self performSelector:@selector(_startRequest:) onThread:[self.class _networkThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
    [self performSelector:@selector(_startRequest:) onThread:[self.class _networkThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

- (void)_startRequest:(id)object {
    if ([self isCancelled]) return;
    @autoreleasepool {
        if ((_options & YYWebImageOptionIgnoreFailedURL) && URLBlackListContains(_request.URL)) {
            NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Failed to load URL, blacklisted." }];
            [_lock lock];
            if (![self isCancelled]) {
                if (_completion) _completion(nil, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromNone, YYWebImageStageFinished, error);
            [self _finish];
            [_lock unlock];
        if (_request.URL.isFileURL) {
            NSArray *keys = @[NSURLFileSizeKey];
            NSDictionary *attr = [_request.URL resourceValuesForKeys:keys error:nil];
            NSNumber *fileSize = attr[NSURLFileSizeKey];
            _expectedSize = fileSize ? fileSize.unsignedIntegerValue : -1;
        // request image from web
        [_lock lock];
        if (![self isCancelled]) {
            _connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:_request delegate:[_YYWebImageWeakProxy proxyWithTarget:self]];
            if (![_request.URL isFileURL] && (_options & YYWebImageOptionShowNetworkActivity)) {
                [YYWebImageManager incrementNetworkActivityCount];
        [_lock unlock];


 *  跑在网络线程上,被另外一个"cancel方法调用"
- (void)_cancelOperation {
    @autoreleasepool {
        if (_connection) {
            if (![_request.URL isFileURL] && (_options & YYWebImageOptionShowNetworkActivity)) {
                [YYWebImageManager decrementNetworkActivityCount];
        [_connection cancel];
        _connection = nil;
        if (_completion) _completion(nil, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromNone, YYWebImageStageCancelled, nil);
        [self _endBackgroundTask];


// runs on network thread
- (void)_didReceiveImageFromDiskCache:(UIImage *)image {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [_lock lock];
        if (![self isCancelled]) {
            if (image) {
                if (_completion) _completion(image, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromDiskCache, YYWebImageStageFinished, nil);
                [self _finish];
            } else {
                [self _startRequest:nil];
        [_lock unlock];

 *  从网络下载的图片
 *  @param image <#image description#>
- (void)_didReceiveImageFromWeb:(UIImage *)image {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [_lock lock];
        if (![self isCancelled]) {
            if (_cache) {
                //有图片 或者 模式是刷新缓存的
                if (image || (_options & YYWebImageOptionRefreshImageCache)) {
                    NSData *data = _data;
                    dispatch_async([YYWebImageOperation _imageQueue], ^{
                        [_cache setImage:image imageData:data forKey:_cacheKey withType:YYImageCacheTypeAll];
            _data = nil;
            NSError *error = nil;
            if (!image) {
                error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.ibireme.image" code:-1 userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Web image decode fail." }];
                if (_options & YYWebImageOptionIgnoreFailedURL) {
                    if (URLBlackListContains(_request.URL)) {
                        error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Failed to load URL, blacklisted." }];
                    } else {
            if (_completion) _completion(image, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromRemote, YYWebImageStageFinished, error);
            [self _finish];
        [_lock unlock];


- (BOOL)connectionShouldUseCredentialStorage:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
    return _shouldUseCredentialStorage;

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge {
    @autoreleasepool {
        if ([challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod isEqualToString:NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust]) {
            if (!(_options & YYWebImageOptionAllowInvalidSSLCertificates) &&
                [challenge.sender respondsToSelector:@selector(performDefaultHandlingForAuthenticationChallenge:)]) {
                [challenge.sender performDefaultHandlingForAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];
            } else {
                NSURLCredential *credential = [NSURLCredential credentialForTrust:challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust];
                [[challenge sender] useCredential:credential forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];
        } else {
            if ([challenge previousFailureCount] == 0) {
                if (_credential) {
                    [[challenge sender] useCredential:_credential forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];
                } else {
                    [[challenge sender] continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];
            } else {
                [[challenge sender] continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];

- (NSCachedURLResponse *)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willCacheResponse:(NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponse {
    if (!cachedResponse) return cachedResponse;
    if (_options & YYWebImageOptionUseNSURLCache) {
        return cachedResponse;
    } else {
        // ignore NSURLCache
        return nil;

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSError *error = nil;
        if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {
            NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (id) response;
            NSInteger statusCode = httpResponse.statusCode;
            if (statusCode >= 400 || statusCode == 304) {
                error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:statusCode userInfo:nil];
        if (error) {
            [_connection cancel];
            [self connection:_connection didFailWithError:error];
        } else {
            if (response.expectedContentLength) {
                _expectedSize = (NSInteger)response.expectedContentLength;
                if (_expectedSize < 0) _expectedSize = -1;
            _data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:_expectedSize > 0 ? _expectedSize : 0];
            if (_progress) {
                [_lock lock];
                if ([self isCancelled]) _progress(0, _expectedSize);
                [_lock unlock];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [_lock lock];
        BOOL canceled = [self isCancelled];
        [_lock unlock];
        if (canceled) return;
        if (data) [_data appendData:data];
        if (_progress) {
            [_lock lock];
            if (![self isCancelled]) {
                _progress(_data.length, _expectedSize);
            [_lock unlock];
        /*--------------------------- progressive ----------------------------*/
        BOOL progressive = (_options & YYWebImageOptionProgressive) > 0;
        BOOL progressiveBlur = (_options & YYWebImageOptionProgressiveBlur) > 0;
        if (!_completion || !(progressive || progressiveBlur)) return;
        if (data.length <= 16) return;
        if (_expectedSize > 0 && data.length >= _expectedSize * 0.99) return;
        if (_progressiveIgnored) return;
        NSTimeInterval now = CACurrentMediaTime();
        if (now - _lastProgressiveDecodeTimestamp < min) return;
        if (!_progressiveDecoder) {
            _progressiveDecoder = [[YYImageDecoder alloc] initWithScale:[UIScreen mainScreen].scale];
        [_progressiveDecoder updateData:_data final:NO];
        if ([self isCancelled]) return;
        if (_progressiveDecoder.type == YYImageTypeUnknown ||
            _progressiveDecoder.type == YYImageTypeWebP ||
            _progressiveDecoder.type == YYImageTypeOther) {
            _progressiveDecoder = nil;
            _progressiveIgnored = YES;
        if (progressiveBlur) { // only support progressive JPEG and interlaced PNG
            if (_progressiveDecoder.type != YYImageTypeJPEG &&
                _progressiveDecoder.type != YYImageTypePNG) {
                _progressiveDecoder = nil;
                _progressiveIgnored = YES;
        if (_progressiveDecoder.frameCount == 0) return;
        if (!progressiveBlur) {
            YYImageFrame *frame = [_progressiveDecoder frameAtIndex:0 decodeForDisplay:YES];
            if (frame.image) {
                [_lock lock];
                if (![self isCancelled]) {
                    _completion(frame.image, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromRemote, YYWebImageStageProgress, nil);
                    _lastProgressiveDecodeTimestamp = now;
                [_lock unlock];
        } else {
            if (_progressiveDecoder.type == YYImageTypeJPEG) {
                if (!_progressiveDetected) {
                    NSDictionary *dic = [_progressiveDecoder framePropertiesAtIndex:0];
                    NSDictionary *jpeg = dic[(id)kCGImagePropertyJFIFDictionary];
                    NSNumber *isProg = jpeg[(id)kCGImagePropertyJFIFIsProgressive];
                    if (!isProg.boolValue) {
                        _progressiveIgnored = YES;
                        _progressiveDecoder = nil;
                    _progressiveDetected = YES;
                //缩放长度为 接收到数据length - _progressiveScanedLength - 4
                NSInteger scanLength = (NSInteger)_data.length - (NSInteger)_progressiveScanedLength - 4;
                if (scanLength <= 2) return;
                NSRange scanRange = NSMakeRange(_progressiveScanedLength, scanLength);
                NSRange markerRange = [_data rangeOfData:JPEGSOSMarker() options:kNilOptions range:scanRange];
                _progressiveScanedLength = _data.length;
                if (markerRange.location == NSNotFound) return;
                if ([self isCancelled]) return;
            } else if (_progressiveDecoder.type == YYImageTypePNG) {//PNG类型图片
                if (!_progressiveDetected) {
                    NSDictionary *dic = [_progressiveDecoder framePropertiesAtIndex:0];
                    NSDictionary *png = dic[(id)kCGImagePropertyPNGDictionary];
                    NSNumber *isProg = png[(id)kCGImagePropertyPNGInterlaceType];
                    if (!isProg.boolValue) {
                        _progressiveIgnored = YES;
                        _progressiveDecoder = nil;
                    _progressiveDetected = YES;
            YYImageFrame *frame = [_progressiveDecoder frameAtIndex:0 decodeForDisplay:YES];
            UIImage *image = frame.image;
            if (!image) return;
            if ([self isCancelled]) return;
            if (!YYCGImageLastPixelFilled(image.CGImage)) return;
            CGFloat radius = 32;
            if (_expectedSize > 0) {
                radius *= 1.0 / (3 * _data.length / (CGFloat)_expectedSize + 0.6) - 0.25;
            } else {
                radius /= (_progressiveDisplayCount);
            image = [image yy_imageByBlurRadius:radius tintColor:nil tintMode:0 saturation:1 maskImage:nil];
            if (image) {
                [_lock lock];
                if (![self isCancelled]) {
                    _completion(image, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromRemote, YYWebImageStageProgress, nil);
                    _lastProgressiveDecodeTimestamp = now;
                [_lock unlock];

- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [_lock lock];
        _connection = nil;
        if (![self isCancelled]) {
            __weak typeof(self) _self = self;
            dispatch_async([self.class _imageQueue], ^{
                __strong typeof(_self) self = _self;
                if (!self) return;
                BOOL shouldDecode = (self.options & YYWebImageOptionIgnoreImageDecoding) == 0;
                BOOL allowAnimation = (self.options & YYWebImageOptionIgnoreAnimatedImage) == 0;
                UIImage *image;
                BOOL hasAnimation = NO;
                if (allowAnimation) {
                    image = [[YYImage alloc] initWithData:self.data scale:[UIScreen mainScreen].scale];
                    if (shouldDecode) image = [image yy_imageByDecoded];
                    if ([((YYImage *)image) animatedImageFrameCount] > 1) {
                        hasAnimation = YES;
                } else {
                    YYImageDecoder *decoder = [YYImageDecoder decoderWithData:self.data scale:[UIScreen mainScreen].scale];
                    image = [decoder frameAtIndex:0 decodeForDisplay:shouldDecode].image;
                 If the image has animation, save the original image data to disk cache.
                 If the image is not PNG or JPEG, re-encode the image to PNG or JPEG for
                 better decoding performance.
                YYImageType imageType = YYImageDetectType((__bridge CFDataRef)self.data);
                switch (imageType) {
                    case YYImageTypeJPEG:
                    case YYImageTypeGIF:
                    case YYImageTypePNG:
                    case YYImageTypeWebP: { // save to disk cache,以上这几种图片村早磁盘
                        if (!hasAnimation) {
                            if (imageType == YYImageTypeGIF ||
                                imageType == YYImageTypeWebP) {
                                self.data = nil; // clear the data, re-encode for disk cache
                    } break;
                    default: {
                        self.data = nil; // clear the data, re-encode for disk cache
                    } break;
                if ([self isCancelled]) return;//还要判断,自定义NSOperation真的好麻烦
                if (self.transform && image) {
                    UIImage *newImage = self.transform(image, self.request.URL);
                    if (newImage != image) {
                        self.data = nil;
                    image = newImage;
                    if ([self isCancelled]) return;
                [self performSelector:@selector(_didReceiveImageFromWeb:) onThread:[self.class _networkThread] withObject:image waitUntilDone:NO];
            if (![self.request.URL isFileURL] && (self.options & YYWebImageOptionShowNetworkActivity)) {
                [YYWebImageManager decrementNetworkActivityCount];
        [_lock unlock];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [_lock lock];
        if (![self isCancelled]) {
            if (_completion) {
                _completion(nil, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromNone, YYWebImageStageFinished, error);
            _connection = nil;
            _data = nil;
            if (![_request.URL isFileURL] && (_options & YYWebImageOptionShowNetworkActivity)) {
                [YYWebImageManager decrementNetworkActivityCount];
            [self _finish];
            if (_options & YYWebImageOptionIgnoreFailedURL) {
                if (error.code != NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet &&
                    error.code != NSURLErrorCancelled &&
                    error.code != NSURLErrorTimedOut &&
                    error.code != NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication) {
        [_lock unlock];


 *  开始这个NSOperation
- (void)start {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [_lock lock];
        self.started = YES;//赋值开始标记为YES
        if ([self isCancelled]) {
            [self performSelector:@selector(_cancelOperation) onThread:[[self class] _networkThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO modes:@[NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];
            self.finished = YES;//标记结束位YES
        } else if ([self isReady] && ![self isFinished] && ![self isExecuting]) {
            if (!_request) {
                self.finished = YES;//记录结束
                if (_completion) {
                    NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"request in nil"}];
                    _completion(nil, _request.URL, YYWebImageFromNone, YYWebImageStageFinished, error);
            } else {
                self.executing = YES;
                [self performSelector:@selector(_startOperation) onThread:[[self class] _networkThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO modes:@[NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];
                if ((_options & YYWebImageOptionAllowBackgroundTask) && _YYSharedApplication()) {
                    __weak __typeof__ (self) _self = self;
                    if (_taskID == UIBackgroundTaskInvalid) {
                        _taskID = [_YYSharedApplication() beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
                            __strong __typeof (_self) self = _self;
                            if (self) {
                                [self cancel];
                                self.finished = YES;
        [_lock unlock];

- (void)cancel {
    [_lock lock];
    if (![self isCancelled]) {
        [super cancel];
        self.cancelled = YES;
        if ([self isExecuting]) {
            self.executing = NO;
            [self performSelector:@selector(_cancelOperation) onThread:[[self class] _networkThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO modes:@[NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];
        if (self.started) {
            self.finished = YES;
    [_lock unlock];




  • 洧中苇:请教一下作者,怎么阅读源码的,有什么比较好的经验,分享一下

本文标题:读码笔记-YYWebImage源码 (二) -YYWebImag
