Introduction----Beyond Feelings

Introduction----Beyond Feelings

作者: 适彼乐土 | 来源:发表于2019-11-21 23:14 被阅读0次

Beyond Feelings is designed to introduce you to the subject of critical thinking. The subject may be new to you because it has not been emphasized in most elementary and secondary schools. In fact, until fairly recently, most college give it little attention. For the past four decades, the dominant emphasis has been on subjectivity rather than objectiity, on feelling rather than on thought.


elementary:adj. 基本的;初级的;[化学] 元素的
secondary :adj. 第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的
fairly: adv. 相当地;公平地;简直
dominant: adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的

Over the past several decades, however, a number of students of America's schools have criticized the neglect of critical thinking, and a growing number of educators and leaders in business, industry, and the professions have urged the development of new courses and teaching materials to overcome that neglect.


It is no exaggeration to say that critical thinking is one of the most important subject you will study in college regardless of your academic major. The quality of your schoolwork,your effects in your career, your contributations to community life, your conduct of personal affairs---all will depend on your ability to solve problems and make decisions.


exaggeration:n. 夸张;夸大之词;夸张的手法
conduct: v/n. 举止,表现;组织,实施,进行;指挥(音乐);带领,引导;

The book has three main sections. The first, "The Context," will help you understand such important concepts as individuality, critical thinking, truth, knowledge, opinion, evidence, and argument and overcome attitudes and ideas that obstruct critical thinking. The sceond section, "The Pitfalls," will teach you to recognize and avoid the most common errors in thinking. The third section, "A Strategy," will help you acquire the various skills used in addressing problems and issues. This section includes tips on identifying and overcoming your personal intellectual weakness as well as techniques for becoming more observant, clarifying issues, conducting inquires, evaluating evidience, analyzing other people's views, and making sound judgements.


Context:n. 环境;上下文;来龙去脉;背景
obstruct: vt. 妨碍;阻塞;遮断
addressing problem: 解决问题
inquires:vt/vi. 询问;查究;问明

At the end of each chapter, you will find a number of applications to chanllenge your critical thinking and help you exercise your skills. These applications cover problemes and issues both timely and timeless. The final application in each of the thirteen chapters invites you to examine an especially important issue about which informed option is divided.

在每章的最后,你将发现很多应用练习,用以 激发你的批判性思考并帮助你训练自身技巧。这些应用联系包含了一些针对本章的或永久性的问题和议题。前十三章每章后面的应用联系要求你考察一个尤为重要的议题,有见识的意见再次议题上发生了分歧。

informed:adj. 见多识广的;消息灵通的;有根据的;明智的(猜测或决定)

Students sometimes get the idea that a textbook must be read page by page and that reading ahead violates some unwritten rule. This notion is mistaken. Students' background knowledge varies widely; what one student know very well, another knows only vaguely and a third is totally unfamiliar with. Anytime you need or want to look ahead to an explanation in a later chapter, by all means do so. Let's say you make a statement and a friend says, "That's relativism, pure and sample." If you aren't sure exactly what she means, go to the index, look up "relativism," proceed to the appropriate page, and find it.


violates: 违反;亵渎;侵犯
vaguely: adv. 含糊地;暧昧地;茫然地
relativism: n. 相对主义;相对论

Looking ahead is especally prudent in the case of concepts and procedures relevant to the end-of-chapter applications. One such concept is plagiarism. If you are not completely clear on what constitutes plagiarism, why it is unacceptable, and how to avoid it, take a few minutes right now to learn. Look for the scetion "Avoiding Plagiarism" toward the end of the Chapter 2, Similarly, if you are not as skilled as you would like to be doing library or internet research, it would be a good idea to read Chapter 17 now. Doing so could save you a great deal of time and effort completing homework assignments.


prudent:adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的
procedures: n. 程序;规程
assignments:n. 分配;任务;作业;功课


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      本文标题:Introduction----Beyond Feelings
