

我选择了igor pro中的插值功能来解决这个问题,自己写了个小的macro来执行。
macro interpof(T1,T2,pressure)
variable T1=3.5, T2=290, pressure
Make/N=600/D T_tot
SetScale/I x,T1,T2,T_tot
String newname1="T_R_"+num2str(pressure)+"G"
String newname2="R_"+num2str(pressure)+"G"
String newname3="R_"+num2str(pressure)+"G_tot"
Duplicate T_tot $newname3
Duplicate $newname3 ::$newname3
大概意思就是根据输入的T1、T2两个温度点 ,在其中均匀分600个位置,然后在这600个位置中对数据结果进行插值,因为我们的测试一般会得到几千个点,所以这样的简单插值精度完全可以保证。分别对不同压力下数据允许这个macro,即可得到同一温度下不同压力对应的电阻值。将不同压力下插值得到的600*n个数据在excel中排好导入matlab即可得到矩阵。运行griddata指令即可得到结果。
pcolor(p,t,z);shading interp

把相变点一加坐标轴一标也是有那么点意思,不过有个小问题,对每个压力点的测试温度范围都不完全相同,图中是对3.8-290K进行的插值,但许多时候测量范围会差很多,尤其是对一些高温超导体,其下半部分不可能这么整齐,比如下图,而此处使用这种办法只能在矩阵中手动将没有数字的地方设为0,非常麻烦;同时也不能使用'v4'参数,而要换为cubic spline模式。

Interpolates scattered data - generally to produce gridded data
Vq = griddata(X,Y,V,Xq,Yq) fits a surface of the form V = F(X,Y) to the scattered data in (X, Y, V). The coordinates of the data points are defined by the vectors (X,Y) and V defines the corresponding values. griddata interpolates the surface F at the query points (Xq,Yq) and returns the values in Vq. The query points (Xq, Yq) generally represent a grid obtained from NDGRID or MESHGRID, hence the name griddata.
Vq = griddata(X,Y,Z,V,Xq,Yq,Zq) fits a hyper-surface of the form V = F(X,Y,Z) to the scattered data in (X, Y, Z, V). The coordinates of the data points are defined by the vectors (X,Y,Z) and V defines the corresponding values. griddata interpolates the surface F at the query points (Xq,Yq,Zq) and returns the values in Vq.
Vq = griddata(X,Y,V, xq, yq) where xq is a row vector and yq is a column vector, expands (xq, yq) via [Xq, Yq] = meshgrid(xq,yq). [Xq, Yq, Vq] = griddata(X,Y,V, xq, yq) returns the grid coordinates arrays in addition.
Note: The syntax for implicit meshgrid expansion of (xq, yq) will be removed in a future release.
griddata(..., METHOD) where METHOD is one of
'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation
'linear' - Linear interpolation (default)
'natural' - Natural neighbor interpolation
'cubic' - Cubic interpolation (2D only)
'v4' - MATLAB 4 griddata method (2D only)
defines the interpolation method. The 'nearest' and 'linear' methods have discontinuities in the zero-th and first derivatives respectively, while the 'cubic' and 'v4' methods produce smooth surfaces. All the methods except 'v4' are based on a Delaunay triangulation of the data.
Example 1:
% Interpolate a 2D scattered data set over a uniform grid
x = 4*rand(100,1)-2; y = 8*rand(100,1)-4; z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);
[xq,yq] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2, -4:.4:4);
zq = griddata(x,y,z,xq,yq);
mesh(xq,yq,zq), hold on, plot3(x,y,z,'o'), hold off
Example 2:
% Interpolate a 3D data set over a grid in the x-y (z=0) plane
x = 2*rand(5000,1)-1;
y = 2*rand(5000,1)-1;
z = 2*rand(5000,1)-1;
v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
d = -0.8:0.05:0.8;
[xq,yq,zq] = meshgrid(d,d,0);
vq = griddata(x,y,z,v,xq,yq,zq);
不仅可以处理矩阵的数据,同时也可对输入的(x,y,z)点集进行插值,此方法即不再将其视为矩阵,而视为xy对应的二元函数z,输入所有的xyz数据进行插值即可。然而处理时首先还要注意点的数量,我们测试的原始数据加起来总共有上万个点,为了提高效率依旧可以先使用igor pro对数据插值及平滑处理,不过不用再设定温度范围,直接选择点的个数(600)插值即可,然后将得到的所有数据(600*n)输入excel中分别为三列:压力、温度、电阻,导入matlab中作为三个向量,运行指令
pcolor(x,y,z);shading interp