2022-05-31 How To Change Your Li

2022-05-31 How To Change Your Li

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-05-31 08:47 被阅读0次

Most people lack the discipline to change their life.

That’s it. That’s the reason you are stuck. It’s you who is stopping you from becoming your highest self.

So everyone has a state of being. The “state” simply means the condition of their being. It’s how they are. There are 2 types of states: Internal & External.

Internal State: The state that you hold within, that is, in your mind & heart.

Essentially, your Thoughts and Emotions. How you think, feel and act on a day to day basis.

External State: The state that you experience outside, that is, in the physical world.

It’s your ‘reality’. It’s essentially your life.

Fun fact: Your external state is always a result of your internal state. Not vice versa. So your internal state determines your external state. As within, so without. The state you hold within manifests into your life. So suppose you theoretically understand this concept.

And you try to hold the ideal internal state. You decide — “I’m going to think, feel & act as my ideal self from now on.” But then, something happens in the external reality & you become reactive. Things do not go perfectly in the outer world & you let it affect your internal world.

Hence, you reverse the loop. Now, the external world signal your internal world. This begins to change your internal state. You become anxious or you become negative. When that becomes your internal state, the external state responds to it again.

Hence, things get even worse in the outer reality. More things that upset you, more things that make you anxious, more problems. This creates a vicious cycle of negativity.

And it keeps you stuck. Now…why did that happen? Simply because there’s one missing piece to the puzzle. You see, things do not happen ‘instantly’ in the real world.

It’s not that you will think, feel & act as your ideal self for a week & you’ll be a millionaire the coming weekend. (I mean it could happen but it’s rare. It all depends on your spiritual bandwidth — but that’s a topic for another day.)

So the missing piece is — the Time Delay.

There’s a time delay between you holding the ideal internal state & it manifesting into your reality. You have to be very careful about it.



      本文标题:2022-05-31 How To Change Your Li
