激发出组织中人们对共同目标(Common Goal)的发自内心的承诺(Internal commitment)是领导者要做的重要事情。而内在的承诺,不是依靠控制、强压的手段,激情而非顺从,有爱而非恐惧。Fred Kofman在the meanning revolution一书中提到要在组织中引发大家对以下议题的对话:

1.Why do we exist as an organization? 我们这个组织为什么要存在?
2.What’s our unique contribution to our customers and the world? 我们对于客户和世界的独特贡献是什么?
3.Why would it matter to anybody else that we succeed? 我们的成功对于其他人而言有什么价值?
4.Why is our organization worthy of our best efforts? 什么是这个组织值得我们付出最大的努力?
5.Does each one of us understand how his or her efforts contribute to our shared purpose?每个人知道他(她)对我们共同的使命能提供怎样的贡献?
6.What values do we want to express? 我们想身体力行的价值观是什么?
7.How are we demonstrating a way of being and relating (to each other, and to all our external stakeholders) that we wish extended to all humanity? 我们要带着怎样的状态与彼此、与外部利益相关者相处,甚至与社会上更多的人?
8.What behaviors will make us proud, regardless of the outcome of our efforts?哪些行为是值得我们引以为傲的,乐此不疲的?
9.Are we manifesting the true, the good, and the just in everything we do?我们是否每做一件事情中,都能够展现真和善?
10.What behaviors will foster collaboration while maximizing individual freedom and responsibility?哪些行为能够促进合作,并能够最大化地给予个体自由和责任担当?
11.How do we create an inclusive environment where all those who share our mission and values feel like they belong? 我们如何创造多元包容的组织氛围,让大家感受到有共同使命和价值观,感受到归属?
12.How do we connect to one another authentically?我们如何彼此真诚的连接与互动?
13.How do we ensure that everybody who belongs feels recognized, respected, and appreciated as a member of this community? 我们如何确保每个人能够感受到被认可、尊重、欣赏,作为这个共同体的一员?
14.How can we deepen our bonds of trust and solidarity?我们如何不断深化我们彼此的信任与团结?
15.How can we better support one another to learn and grow?我们如何更好的支持彼此的学习和成长?
16.How do we foster informed choice and internal commitment so that each one of us can exercise discretion in service of our mission? 我们如何支持大家能够有知情的选择(informed choice)和担责(internal commitment),因此大家能够在实现共同使命的过程中能够自主决策?
17.How can we get better and better at the things that matter to us?我们如何在对我们的重要的事情上能够越来越好?
18.What challenges are we taking on to test and stretch our abilities? 我们有哪些挑战是在尝试并因此延展我们的能力?
19.What activities can help each and all of us learn and grow? 有哪些活动能够帮助我们每个人和所有人能够学习和成长?
20.What feedback mechanisms can support our improvement efforts?怎样的反馈机制能够支持我们的持续改进?