Alice wants to get a new haircut,and Albert is trying his best to offer her suggestions.

Alice & Albert
Alice: Albert校友及好朋友,在一家英语培训机构任职
Albert: 男主,跨国公司程序员
Alice: I was thinking of getting a bob haircut. What do you think?
艾丽斯: 我想剪个波波头。你觉得怎么样?
Albert: A bob haircut? I don't think that'd look good on you.
艾尔伯特: 波波头? 我觉得你梳着不好看。
Alice: Really? I thought I could wear every single hairstyle.
艾丽斯: 真的吗? 我以为我可以梳每一个发型。
Albert: Yeah,but a bob haircut may put years on you. How about having your hair dyed auburn?
艾尔伯特: 是啊,但是波波头可能会让你看起来老一些。把头发染成赤褐色怎么样?
Alice: Sounds tempting...but no. I'm afraid hair dye is unhealthy.
艾丽斯: 听起来很诱人……但是没有。恐怕染发剂不健康。
Albert: Good point. Why don't you get some bangs? Either blunt bangs or side swept ones will suit you perfectly.
艾尔伯特: 好点。你为什么不去弄点刘海?无论刘海是平的还是侧掠的,都非常适合你。
Alice: Um...bangs especially blunt ones make me look chubby. And that's the last thing I want.
艾丽斯: 嗯…刘海尤其是钝刘海让我看起来胖乎乎的。这是我最不想看到的。
Albert: Let me think. Oh! Here comes an idea. Get a straightening and have a trim.
艾尔伯特: 让我想想。哦! 我有个主意。把头发拉直,修剪一下。
Alice: I'm not sure about having my hair straightened,but I could get a trim.
艾丽斯: 我不确定要不要把头发拉直,但我可以修剪一下。
Albert: Yeah,and try to side-part your hair instead of center-parting.
艾尔伯特: 是的,试着把头发侧分,而不是中分。
Alice: Wow! You're quite an expert on this,aren't you?
艾丽斯: 哇! 你是这方面的专家,是吗?
Albert: Well,actually,my aunt used to be a hairstylist.
艾尔伯特: 嗯,事实上,我姑姑以前是个发型师。
Alice: No wander.
艾丽斯: 难怪。
haircut:n. 理发;发型
bob:n. 摆动,颠簸;轻敲;快速的点头(或鞠躬);浮子;钟摆,悬挂的饰品;齐短发型,波波头
dyed:adj. 被染色的 v. 染色(dye的过去分词形式)
auburn:adj. 赤褐色的,赭色的
bangs:n. 刘海;重击;巨响 (bang的复数形式)
hair dye:n. 染发剂;染毛剂
blunt:adj. 钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的
side swept:侧掠地
chubby:adj. 圆胖的,丰满的
hairstylist:n. 发型师(等于hair stylist)