UE4 Blueprint 类型详解

UE4 Blueprint 类型详解

作者: chenleifun | 来源:发表于2019-11-18 17:43 被阅读0次

Blueprint 类型详解

  • Actor: An actor is an object that can be placed or spawned in the world. (能够被放到世界)

  • Pawn: A pawn is an actor that can be possessed and receive input from a controller.(能被控制的Actor

  • Character: A character is a type of Pawn that includes the ability to walk around.(能够走动的Pawn

  • PlayerController: A Player controller is an actor responsible for controlling a Pawn used by the player.(用来控制Pawn

  • AIController

  • GameModeBase: Game mode base defines the game being played, its rules, scoring, and other facets of the game type.(定义游戏,得分,以及其他方面

  • ActorComponent: An actor component is a reusable component that can be added to any actor.(能够添加到Actor的可重用构件

  • SceneComponent: A scene component is a component that has a scene transform and can be attached to other scene components. (可以附加到其他场景组件

  • Game Instance:

Representing Players, Friends, and Foes in the world

  • Pawn: not assumed to be humanoid.

  • Character: humanoid-style Pawn.

Display Information to Players

  • HUD: A HUD is a heads-up display, or the 2D on-screen display that is comon in many games. Think health, ammo, gun reticle, etc. Each PlayerController typically has one of these.

  • Camera: The PlayerCameraManager is the eyeball for a player and manages how it hebaviors. Each PlayerController typically has one of these as well.

Setting and Tracking the Rules of the Game

  • GameMode

  • GameState

  • PlayerState



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      本文标题:UE4 Blueprint 类型详解
