
表B 15.4笔分配视图
Table B 15.4 Pen assign view
|条目| 描述|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Server Location (服务器位置) |如下所示,“Specify Station Name(指定站名称)”窗口将弹出。输入安装Exasmoc服务器的计算机/ Station名称。|
|Main Controller (主控制器) |从列出当前运行的控制器的下拉菜单中选择主控制器名称。|
|Sub Controller(子控制器)| 从列出了与所选主控制器相对应的子控制器的下拉菜单中选择子控制器名称。|
|Trend Type(趋势类型) |选择趋势类型。当选择‘Historical’时,将显示标准趋势图。当选择‘Prediction’时,将显示预测数据。|
|Acquisition Data (获取数据)| 从下拉菜单中选择需要趋势图的项目数据。下表显示了要趋势化的数据列表。|
|Low Limit / High Limit(高低限) |数据刻度的高低限设置。|
|Decimal(小数点) |操作员可以在Trend panel Display(趋势显示面板)上选择显示趋势位号值时需要的小数点位数。|
|Comment (注解)| 位号注释输入字段。 最多50个字符,区域可以滚动。 当选择新的采集数据时,其名称被默认分配。|
|Page comment(页面注解) |每个页面的位号注释输入字段。
|Number of Samples(样本数) |每个趋势数据的样本数。17280:初始值,10000:最大 注)如下所示,为了增加样本数量,还需要增加Exaopc历史记录的数量: ‘Start menu~ Program~ Exaopc setting’ ~ Historical data '开始菜单程序Exaopc设置~历史数据 指定'HDASM1'文件为'2880'的倍数。默认值为17,280条记录。|
|Graph Mode Analog / Digital(图形模式模拟/数字) | 表示了工程师选择的Analog(模拟)或Digital(数字)。 “Analog” - 显示正弦波类型趋势。 “Digital” - 显示方波类型趋势。
|Index Mark(索引标记) |在预测趋势中,标记位于趋势图轴后面三分之一处。标记的右侧显示了预测趋势,左侧显示了历史趋势。|
Status bar at bottom right corner indicates
Left hand side of the display shows 8 trends for the tags appearing with the respective pen color on right hand side. Refresh period of every trend Tag is 15 seconds.
By clicking on the individual tag, a low and high setting of data scale for that particular tag is displayed.
Remote Computer name or Local Computer in use for trends.
Controller/Estimator Name or No Controller/Estimator assigned.
Current page of display.
Time scale span.
Data scale span.
Pen Assignment Panel
|Items| Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Updating Section|
|Server Location | ‘Specify Station Name’ window will popup as shown below. Enter the Computer/Station name where Exasmoc server is installed.|
|Main Controller | Select the Main Controller name from the pull down menu where the currently running controllers are listed up.
|Sub Controller |Select the Sub Controller name from the pull down menu where the Sub Controller corresponding to the selected Main Controller are listed up.
|Trend Type |Select the trend type. When the ‘Historical’ is selected, the standard trend graph is displayed. When the ‘Prediction’ is selected, the prediction data are displayed.
|Acquisition Data | Select the item data from the pull down menu which trend plot are required. Table below shows the list of data to be trended.
|Low Limit / High Limit |Low and High scale setting for data scale.
|Decimal |Operator can select no. of decimal points operator need to use for the values displayed along with trend tags on Trend panel Display.
|Comment | Tag comment entry field. Maximum 50 characters. Area can be scrolled. When a new acquisition data is selected, its name is assigned as default.
|Page comment| Tag comment entry field of each page. Number of Samples Number of samples for each trend data. 17280: Initial value, 10000: Maximum Note) In order to enhance the number of samples, it is also required to enhance the number of Exaopc historical records as follows: ‘Start menu => Program => Exaopc setting’ => Historical data Specify the multiple number of ‘2880’ of ‘HDASM1’ file. Default is 17,280 records.
|Graph Mode Analog / Digital |This indicates Analog or Digital selection made by Engineer. “Analog” - Sine wave type trends are displayed. “Digital” - Square wave type trends are displayed
|Index Mark| In prediction trend, the index mark is located on the one third points behind the trend graph axis. The right side of the mark shows the prediction trend and the left side shows the historical trend.