

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-01-27 13:53 被阅读0次


回到 house,看到Maxi moha很开心和它们聊天,M和很多人都Sick,给到他益生菌,我好不隐瞒的谈到自己越到J和状态,和M一起去ashram路上提到我的担心,M很智慧的说Just let him be, no need take care and enjoy,她自己提前回荷兰,男朋友安排一起住,怀孕很甜蜜。我意识到自己很可怕,现实可耻拒绝幸福!


meditation is happening within yourself

ego beyond, what is that?

Sleep, fear seeking pleasure is all the things we should get least

I is like an ocean of identification.

Do u wonder, how amazing we are!!! Learn to wonder

Absorbed in divine, 这个时候swami台上手机响了,两个手机,竟然回电话,ok,biscuit和plantana两份,chai两份都是sugar的,早晨的新鲜牛奶没有难受,结果之后的都不舒服,我真是不能喝牛奶。

下一个guru:Working in Adelaide Australia

smaller center, total 5 in Australia

Vedanta is complementary of Veda, conclusion of veda. 4 originals Veda is Hinduism signs.

upanishad: upa means go near, ni means delegated to that, Shad is inquiry

Contemplation renounce, inquiry process

Spiritual energy can give lights to other entities

Body and mind constant changing, can not be "I", intellect then spiritual light which can form personality

Knower known knowledge is all atman, self, include awareness, knowledge, consciousness which is not in brain but everywhere, not material but transcen spiritual thing

upanishad include 1. essence of world, 2 reality of human being, 3 what happened when health, with Q&A format

1. brahman, manifestation of consciousness is world, highest concept of GOD, divine, pure consciousness, pure existence, pure knowledge, pure bliss, impermanent and infinite

2. strength and energy from, he is I of I, ear of ear, knowing of knowing, consciousness entity, no difference between individual soul and universal soul, I am brahman, u are that! Atman = ananda, universal self=God, I am reality and find it within myself. No GOD but me, no worship of GOD but myself.

Worship GOD in man, I serve devine, I am devine, I breathin and out like Devine! I am source of strength as Vivekananda said

Mind is nothing but thought of waves.

If there is GOD, u are GOD or potential to be GOD.

WE are great, not sinners, life is not different without religion.


吃了第三顿后,昏昏沉沉去visit Rimse,就是之前去过的,懒散。

Patajanli is giving formula, yoga is to quite the mind, u are yourself. Aim of yoga.

Control blowing mind is like to control mind, but can be done by practice and dispassion

Abhyasa is a Sanskrit word which means 'practice. ... Within yoga, this 'activity' is known as abhyasa, which can be translated as 'constant exercise. ' Its twin, vairagya, translates as 'dispassion

it is done scientifically, higher concentration is samadhi, suppression fo all things in nature, externally and internally. I am meditating is gone, only truth itself.

pratyhara is bring back our thought

Center of consciousness is heart center我困死了!

when mind is empty, sleep, not creating truth, sitting and doing nothing is Not meditation

The president is trying so hard to get us back to them with more people and keep on asking questions, we are so sleepy and so when snack time comes, I finished all, 4 meals, lucky no dinner with Maxi anymore, so full! Crazy

what I was thinking: poor is not problem, just looking like a shit, when situation domestic is not positive I am relaxed that I do not have to go back. but not in mysore, J is not able to keep me.  Today it is 5 bananas, 4 meals, way out, maybe.

Nice body for sure I should encourage him more, bring the best out of us. get rid of I, so no suffering.

Villager not PHD can be guru, so ?  Ramakrishna school is for rich family, 80K RP is not for most of family here, grade 8-12

Vedanta is science of humanity.

Saw elephant apple, hungary girl is not nice, we met in Deniz party and also common friend, she is with an Indian local, well, reminds me a lot what happened in China.

Some of us in chinese group is talking how to separate people from China visit recently and particular Hubei linked, some are staying and back, the fact is if we have no choice we go back, if we do, going back is not helping anybody might cause further issues. So best thing now is to take good care of self, then with possibility of helping others, if that works out eventually.


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