

作者: Nova_LD | 来源:发表于2019-03-12 21:51 被阅读0次

Owl Post<1>

Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.


1.a highly unusual sb: 一个不同寻常的人

For one thing, he hated the summer holidays more than any other time of year.


2.any other time of year: 一年中的任何其它时间                                              Any other time of the year you can expect a wonderful vacation. 

For another , he really wanted to do his homework, but was forced to do it in secret, in the dead of night.


3. for one thing, for another :              一方面,另一面                                        For one thing there isn't time, for another we  enough money.                    4.was forced to:被迫                          5.in the dead of night:在深夜

And he also happened to be a wizard.


It was nearly midnight, and he was lying on his front in bed, the blankets drawn right over his head like a tent,a torch in one hand and a large leather-bound book(A History of magic, by Bathilda Bagshot)propped open against the pillow.


6.be lying on one's front in bed: 正躺在床上                                                    7.the blankets drawn right over his head:盖在他头上毯子

Harry moved the tip of his eagle-feather quill down the page, frowning as he looked for something that would help him write his essay,<With–Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless-dissuss>.


8.the tip of quill :羽毛笔的尖端    9.move sth down :向下移动某物  10.frowning:皱眉

The quill paused at the top of a likely-looking paragraph.


11.likely-looking paragraph:看起来有用的文字

Harry pushed his round glasses up his nose, moved his torch closer to the book and read:Non-magic people(more comemonly known as Muggles)were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recignising it.


12.pushed his round glasses up his  nose:向上推了推他的圆眼镜          13.in medieval times:在中世纪

On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever.


14.on the rare occasion: 在罕见的情况下                                                        15.it had no effect whatsoever:它一点效果也没有。


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