

作者: Daring_dd | 来源:发表于2016-05-09 21:00 被阅读15次



Please describe a challenge you have faced and how you coped with it.

Introduce financial products to the stangers of course.I am not shy of personal contaction,but if it is related with people's wallets and deposites? I am afraid of the telephone offhook and disbelieve from others.What I need is not noly courage,but the confidence about myself and my products.I need to learn what the financial products are,what our clients are seeking for,and how can I make them understood that we are willing to provide more professional adivorsory and better products for them.I need to owe their trust and my own trust.

Most difficults can be overcame through psychological analysis and actions.

Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success.

Diversity need communication and torlerance.These are essential to the team's success.

Once when I had a different opinion with my leader about how to find and track our potential clients,I made my own statements before him.And he nodded.We do our things in diffent styles(for example,my leader is very good at social interaction and he usually goes outside and deals with varies of people.For me,I would rather prefer a more precisely approach, to contact teenagers' investors through internet,introduce suitable product for the right person and also leave some conservative people aside for instant.)

But we have the same goal.You just express yourself and achive the goal no matter what you think and how you do.Any good idea should be shared in some proper ways.


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