愛 樂 偶 談(叁)

作者: E_天邊的凝紅 | 来源:发表于2015-04-07 11:55 被阅读215次












Love music I talkabout: (three)

"Death is the means that nolonger hear Mozart music!"


Gao Feng songs to listen to, though not

very appreciative but not hate, hear a little new flavor. So he sketches.

Gao Feng, Who are they? Singer-songwriter,

graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. A typical "proper

job", but he succeeded.

Why so many music professionals sudden no

worries, let heresy coming up from the side of the attack? So I thought. . .

We do not say: the more the nation more

energy to the world? Why uncompleted ethnic flavor would be more attractive

than the authentic world of Orthodox ethnic flavor? Jazz music is black music.

American composer George Gershwin (he is not black), the application of jazz

piano works written in "Rhapsody in Blue" has become the world's

music. But the real authentic black jazz musicians but no such achievement;

Spanish painter Picasso painting imitation Africa original paintings, draw a

world famous paintings, while orthodox Africans can not achieve such a high

level; we have been born this Qu Yuan, Li Bai , who created the "four

great inventions", had maintained a leading position in the world for

thousands of outstanding people, and its outstanding civilization, but only a

Nobel laureate. . .

Is not like to Longping of hybrid rice,

hybrid than purebred advantage? Almost half-breed healthy, intelligent,

beautiful, it is distant advantage. Vulgar language to criticize it as hybrids,

but it reflects the extraordinary vitality. Donkey and a horse's son - mules,

parents will have the expertise and superior parents.

Human blood is red, the sea and the sky is

blue. Only when the azure sea and finally into the rain again nourish this arid

yellow earth, the giant dragon rebirth possible.

So, mestizo culture than pure culture is

not an advantage?

Yes, that's the dean of Qian Zhongshu

Chinese and Western culture; and that forceful magnificent "Yellow River

Piano Concerto"; that the traditional "Liangshanpo Lovers"

violin interpretation is Heartbreakers "Butterfly Lovers." . .


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    本文标题:愛 樂 偶 談(叁)
