1054年罗马与君士坦丁堡互不相认。12-15世纪基督教世界的内部威胁:经济采邑制导致的效忠对象各不相同,黑死病重挫经济,天主教会大分裂。16-17世纪的核心问题是基督教世界何去何从,也就是本书所谈的时间段,书名是Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648,“欧洲”取“基督教世界”而代之。
elements which contributed to the fall of western Christendom ——
- Renaissance : the revival of classical texts & ideas; public / republic; geographical discoveries in the wider world; cosmology.
- Religions diversity : Protestant Reformation VS the revival of the Roman Catholic Church
- Ottoman expansion —> waning of crusade
- The Holy Roman Emperor : a Habsburg dynastic instrument
- Dynasticism (the dominant political order) VS localism (weak link) + weak loyalties (fundamental problem)
- Christian commonwealths VS Post-Reformation religions
- Europe’s paroxysm : military activity —> economic divergences + weakening social cohesion
- Europe’s age of discovery : far-away new worlds + its own spatial identity
- Silver age & its aftermath : inflation