

作者: 04d04bf4460e | 来源:发表于2018-05-23 17:37 被阅读44次

401k – Acommon type of US retirement savings plan

ABC –always be closing

ACCT –Account

Ad –Advertisement

AIDA –Attention, interest, desire, action

AP –Accounts payable

API –Application program interface

Approx –Approximately

AR –Accounts receivable

B2B –Business to business

B2C –Business to consumer

BD –Business development

BID – Breakit down

BR – Bouncerate

BS –Balance sheet

BTW – ByThe Way - Typically sent after you forget to mention something in a previousemail.

CAO – Chiefanalytics officer

CDO – Chiefdata officer

CEO – Chiefexecutive officer

CFO – Chieffinancial officer

CFP –Certified financial planner

CIO – Chiefinformation officer

CMO – Chiefmarketing officer

CMS –Content management system

Co. –Company

COB – Closeof business

COO – Chiefoperating officer

COOP– Continuity of operations planning.

Corp. –Corporation

CPA –Certified public accountant

CPC – Costper click

CPU –Central processing unit

CPU – Costper unit

CR –Conversion rate

CRM –Customer relationship management

CSO – Chiefsecurity officer

CSR –Corporate social responsibility

CSS –Cascading style sheet

CTA – Callto action

CTO – Chieftechnology officer

CTR – Clickthrough rate

Dept. –Department

DM – Directmessage or direct mail

DOE –Depending on experience

DR – Debit

EBITDA –earning before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization

EOD – Endof Day - Means you’ll be sending something (or you’re asking for something)before the day ends.

EOM –End of message.

EOT –End of thread.

EOW – Endof Week - Means you’ll be sending something (or you’re asking forsomething) before the week ends.

EPS –Earnings per share

ERP –enterprise resource planning (business management software that a company canuse to store and manage data from every stage of business)

ESOP –employee stock ownership plan

ESP –Email service provider

EST –Eastern Standard Time (the time on the East Coast of the United States and someCanadian provinces)

ETA –Estimated time of arrival

FAQ –Frequently Asked Question

FIFO – Firstin, first out

FTE –Full-time employee

FTP – Filetransport protocol

FWD –Forward

FWIW – ForWhat It's Worth - A humble way to give feedback on something and notsound like a know-it-all.

GA – GoogleAnalytics

GC –General counsel

Govt. –Government

HQ –Headquarters

HR – Humanresources

HTH – HopeThat Helps - Used when responding to someone. Typically when someone thanks youfor your help.

HTML –HyperText markup language

HTTP –HyperText transfer protocol

HTTPS –HyperText transfer protocol secure

IAM –“In a meeting.”

IDK - IDon't Know - Informal abbreviation typically used in body copy.

IM –Instant messaging

IMO – In MyOpinion - When submitting feedback, a humble way to give feedback withoutsounding like an opinionated know-it-all.

Inc. – Incorporated

IP –Internet protocol

IPO –Initial public offering

ISP –Internet service provider

Jr. –Junior

KISS – Keepit simple stupid

KPI – Keyperformance indicator

KRA – Keyresult area.

Lb. – Pound(weight)

LET -Leaving Early Today - Informs coworkers (usually in group email) you’re leavingearly, so they don’t miss you later if they need anything.

LIFO – Lastin, first out

LLC –Limited liability company

LMK - LetMe Know - Informal way to end an email, asking recipient to let you know their opinion.

LWOP –Leave without pay

MBO –Management by objectives.

Memo –Memorandum

MILE –maximum impact, little effort

Min. –Minium

MoM – Monthover month

MOOC –massive open online course

MSRP –manufacturer’s suggested retail price

MTD – Monthto date

NAV – Netassets value

NDA –non-disclosure agreement

NIM – Nointernal message

NOI – netoperating income

NRN – NoReply Necessary - Indicates that no reply is necessary, which reducesemail clutter from replies such as “okay sounds good!”

NSFW –Not Safe For Work.  Your college buddy has just sent you a link titled“Check this out! (NSFW).”   Don’t click on it if you value your job.

NWR –Not work related.

OLT –Online Training.

OOO – Outof Office - Standard acronym for when you’re out of the office.

OS –Operating system

OT – Offtopic

OTC – overthe counter

OTP –“On the phone.”

P&L –Profit and loss

P/E – Priceto earnings

PA –Performance appraisal

P-card –Purchase card

Pkg –Package

PM –Project manager

POC – Pointof contact

PPC – Payper click

PR – Publicrelations

PRB –Please Reply By - Kindly asks the recipient to reply by a certain date andtime. Avoids late responses for time-sensitive requests.

PTE –Part-time employee

PTO – Paidtime off

PV – Pageview

Q1, Q2, Q3,Q4 – First quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter

QA –Quality assurance

QC –quality control

Qty –Quantity

R&D –Research and Development

RACI –tool used to assign roles and responsibilities to team members.  Standsfor Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed.

RAM –Random-access memory

Re – Inregards to, regarding

Re –Referring to

Recd. –Received

RFD –Request for discussion

RFP –Request for proposal

ROA –Return on assets

ROE –Return on equity

ROI –Return on Investment

ROR – Rubyon Rails

ROS – Runof site

ROWE –Results Only Work Environment.

RRP –recommended retail price

RSS – Richsite summary or really simple syndication

RT –Retweet

SaaS –Software as a service

SEO –Search engine optimization

SFW – SafeFor Work - Used when sending a file or article that sounds bad, but it reallyisn’t. Tells recipient it’s okay to open it.

SLA –service level agreement

SM – Socialmedia

SMART –used in goal setting, it stands for Specific, Measureable, Attainable orAchievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

SMB – Smallto medium business

SME –Subject matter expert

SNS –Social network site.

SOHO –Small Office / Home Office.

SWOT –Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

TED – Tellme, explain to me, describe to me

Temp –Temporary Secretary

TL;DR – TooLong; Didnt Read - When sending a massive email, it’s a courtesy tosummarize what you need in one sentence, labeling it TL;DR.

TLTR – TooLong To Read - When someone sends a massive email, but you have little time,TLTR asks the sender to briefly summarize what they need.

TOS – Termsof service

TYT – TakeYour Time - Used when you need feedback on something, but it’s noturgent.

UI – Userinterface

URL –Universal resource locator

UV – Uniquevisitor

UX – Userexperience

VAT – valueadded tax

VC –Virtual Class.

VLE –Virtual learning environment.

VP – VicePresident

VPN –Virtual private network.

VW –virtual worker.

VWVW –virtual worker at virtual workplace.

W/ – With

W/O –Without

WAH –Work At Home, see WFH.

WBT – Web-basedtraining.

WFH -Working From Home - Notifies coworkers you’re working remotely that day.

WIIFM –“What’s in it for me?”

WOM – Wordof mouth

WYSIWYG –What you see is what you get

Y/N – Yesor No? - Saves the recipient time by asking for only a yes or no answer; asit’s not necessary to respond beyond that.

Yr. – Year

YTD – Yearto date




