

作者: wwq2020 | 来源:发表于2023-03-13 10:54 被阅读0次


1 list请求没有设置resourceVersion
2 apiserver开启APIListChunking特性(默认已开启)并且list请求设置了Continue
3 apiserver开启APIListChunking特性(默认已开启)并且list请求设置了Limit且resourceVersion不等于'0'
4 list请求设置了match并且不等于NotOlderThan




func (e *Store) List(ctx context.Context, options *metainternalversion.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
    label := labels.Everything()
    out, err := e.ListPredicate(ctx, e.PredicateFunc(label, field), options)
    return out, nil

func (e *Store) ListPredicate(ctx context.Context, p storage.SelectionPredicate, options *metainternalversion.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
    err := e.Storage.GetList(ctx, e.KeyRootFunc(ctx), storageOpts, list)

staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/cacher/cacher.go中(try get from etcd)

func (c *Cacher) GetList(ctx context.Context, key string, opts storage.ListOptions, listObj runtime.Object) error {
    if shouldDelegateList(opts) {
        return c.storage.GetList(ctx, key, opts, listObj)
    objs, readResourceVersion, indexUsed, err := c.listItems(ctx, listRV, key, pred, recursive)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    span.AddEvent("Listed items from cache", attribute.Int("count", len(objs)))
    if len(objs) > listVal.Cap() && pred.Label.Empty() && pred.Field.Empty() {
        // Resize the slice appropriately, since we already know that none
        // of the elements will be filtered out.
        listVal.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(c.objectType.Elem()), 0, len(objs)))
        span.AddEvent("Resized result")
    for _, obj := range objs {
        elem, ok := obj.(*storeElement)
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("non *storeElement returned from storage: %v", obj)
        if filter(elem.Key, elem.Labels, elem.Fields) {
            listVal.Set(reflect.Append(listVal, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Object).Elem()))

func shouldDelegateList(opts storage.ListOptions) bool {
    resourceVersion := opts.ResourceVersion
    pred := opts.Predicate
    match := opts.ResourceVersionMatch
    pagingEnabled := utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.APIListChunking)
    hasContinuation := pagingEnabled && len(pred.Continue) > 0
    hasLimit := pagingEnabled && pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0"
    unsupportedMatch := match != "" && match != metav1.ResourceVersionMatchNotOlderThan

    // If resourceVersion is not specified, serve it from underlying
    // storage (for backward compatibility). If a continuation is
    // requested, serve it from the underlying storage as well.
    // Limits are only sent to storage when resourceVersion is non-zero
    // since the watch cache isn't able to perform continuations, and
    // limits are ignored when resource version is zero
    return resourceVersion == "" || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch

staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/etcd3/store.go(get from etcd)

func (s *store) GetList(ctx context.Context, key string, opts storage.ListOptions, listObj runtime.Object) error {


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