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SwiftCafe 快报 - TIOBE 10月编程语言排行 S

SwiftCafe 快报 - TIOBE 10月编程语言排行 S

作者: SwiftCafe | 来源:发表于2015-10-11 08:17 被阅读255次
    TIOBE 10月编程语言排行榜

    在最新一期的 TIOBE 编程语言排行榜中,Swift 继续上升,已经与 Objective-C 并列排行。而由于苹果对 Swift 的持续支持与推广,导致 Objective-C 的排名出现下降,已经跌出前 10。

    以下是 TIOBE 官方原文的:

    It was a matter of time. Soon after Apple announced to switch from Objective-C to Swift, Objective-C went into free fall. This month Objective-C dropped out of the TIOBE index top 10. Scripting language Ruby exploited this drop and entered the top 10 again. Ruby's small revival is a bit surprising. The language was a genuine hype between 2006 and 2008. Rubyists were shouting all over the Internet that Ruby and Rails were the best gift to mankind. It even became TIOBE's language of the year 2006. The hype stopped quite abruptly when Twitter announced to shift from Ruby to Scala in 2009. The hotness was over. Scala was the new thing. Without evangelists, Ruby dropped out of the top 10 and had to reinvent itself. The Ruby community stopped shouting, and started to work hard to overcome all criticism. Now it is slowly picking up again.


    这是一个时间问题,苹果宣布从Objective-C转向Swift不久,Objective-C进入自由落体。本月Objective-C的Tiobe 指数最高下跌10。脚本语言Ruby利用这一下降,进入前10名。Ruby的小复兴有点令人惊讶。这种语言在2006年到2008年之间是一种真实的炒 作。rubyists在互联网高喊Ruby和Rails是人类最好的礼物。它甚至成为2006年度TIOBE的语言。

    当在2009年推特从Ruby转向Scala,当时炒作也突然宣布停止 。暑热结束。Scala是新事物。没有布道者,Ruby跌出前10,不得不重塑自己。Ruby社区停止了叫喊,并开始努力克服所有的批评。现在它正在慢慢回升。

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