

作者: 小饼Wendy | 来源:发表于2017-01-25 22:43 被阅读0次

It was one day of my tour in Bali island. I decided to go to a tourist spot called "The devil's tear" with my friend on foot since the road was bumpy. We first searched the route on the app "Google map", however it turned out that there is a bug and we lost our way in the forest. The sunset was approaching and we were getting more and more worried. However when we decided to give up and go back, a private villa showed up and the name showed" sunset villa", since the sunset beach was closed to "the devil's tear", so we began to search the surrounding areas. Finally, after one hour of climbing rocks with my flip flops, we arrived at this great place. Hearing the sounds of billows lapping against the rocks, we found all the efforts payed off.


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