Java 并发包

作者: 93张先生 | 来源:发表于2019-11-21 22:38 被阅读0次

    原子类 AutomaticLong
    Lock Synchroize voliate
    线程集合 concurrentHashMap
    线程执行框架 Thread Runable Callable Future ThreadPool executor
    线程工具 countDownLatch semaphore

    1.Executor 是一个接口,它解耦了Task任务提交和执行;

    * An object that executes submitted {@link Runnable} tasks. This
     * interface provides a way of decoupling task submission from the
     * mechanics of how each task will be run, including details of thread
     * use, scheduling, etc.  An {@code Executor} is normally used
     * instead of explicitly creating threads. For example, rather than
     * invoking {@code new Thread(new(RunnableTask())).start()} for each
     * of a set of tasks, you might use:
     * <pre>
     * Executor executor = <em>anExecutor</em>;
     * executor.execute(new RunnableTask1());
     * executor.execute(new RunnableTask2());
     * The {@code Executor} implementations provided in this package
     * implement {@link ExecutorService}, which is a more extensive
     * interface.  The {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} class provides an
     * extensible thread pool implementation. The {@link Executors} class
     * provides convenient factory methods for these Executors.
    public interface Executor {
         * Executes the given command at some time in the future.  The command
         * may execute in a new thread, in a pooled thread, or in the calling
         * thread, at the discretion of the {@code Executor} implementation.
         * @param command the runnable task
         * @throws RejectedExecutionException if this task cannot be
         * accepted for execution
         * @throws NullPointerException if command is null
        void execute(Runnable command);

    ExecutorService 是一个比Executor更具有扩展性的接口,提供了管理线程终止的方法,和跟踪一个或多个异步任务的结果Future的方法;

    * An {@link Executor} that provides methods to manage termination and
    * methods that can produce a {@link Future} for tracking progress of
    * one or more asynchronous tasks.
    * <p>An {@code ExecutorService} can be shut down, which will cause
    * it to reject new tasks.  Two different methods are provided for
    * shutting down an {@code ExecutorService}. The {@link #shutdown}
    * method will allow previously submitted tasks to execute before
    * terminating, while the {@link #shutdownNow} method prevents waiting
    * tasks from starting and attempts to stop currently executing tasks.
    * Upon termination, an executor has no tasks actively executing, no
    * tasks awaiting execution, and no new tasks can be submitted.  An
    * unused {@code ExecutorService} should be shut down to allow
    * reclamation of its resources.
    * <p>Method {@code submit} extends base method {@link
    * Executor#execute(Runnable)} by creating and returning a {@link Future}
    * that can be used to cancel execution and/or wait for completion.
    * Methods {@code invokeAny} and {@code invokeAll} perform the most
    * commonly useful forms of bulk execution, executing a collection of
    * tasks and then waiting for at least one, or all, to
    * complete. (Class {@link ExecutorCompletionService} can be used to
    * write customized variants of these methods.)
    * <p>The {@link Executors} class provides factory methods for the
    * executor services provided in this package.
    public interface ExecutorService extends Executor 


    * Provides default implementations of {@link ExecutorService}
    * execution methods. This class implements the {@code submit},
    * {@code invokeAny} and {@code invokeAll} methods using a
    * {@link RunnableFuture} returned by {@code newTaskFor}, which defaults
    * to the {@link FutureTask} class provided in this package.  For example,
    * the implementation of {@code submit(Runnable)} creates an
    * associated {@code RunnableFuture} that is executed and
    * returned. Subclasses may override the {@code newTaskFor} methods
    * to return {@code RunnableFuture} implementations other than
    * {@code FutureTask}.
    public abstract class AbstractExecutorService implements ExecutorService 

    ThreadPoolExecutor 提供了一个线程池的扩展的ExecutorService;

    * An {@link ExecutorService} that executes each submitted task using
    * one of possibly several pooled threads, normally configured
    * using {@link Executors} factory methods.
    public class ThreadPoolExecutor extends AbstractExecutorService

    Executors 提供了方便的创建Executor 的工厂方法;其中多种线程池创建方法,都是创建的ThreadPoolExecutor的实例;

    * Factory and utility methods for {@link Executor}, {@link
    * ExecutorService}, {@link ScheduledExecutorService}, {@link
    * ThreadFactory}, and {@link Callable} classes defined in this
    * package. This class supports the following kinds of methods:
    public class Executors {}
    public static ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads) {
        return new ThreadPoolExecutor(nThreads, nThreads,
                                  0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
                                  new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());
    public static ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool() {
        return new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
                                      60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                                      new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());


     * A {@link Future} that is {@link Runnable}. Successful execution of
     * the {@code run} method causes completion of the {@code Future}
     * and allows access to its results.
     * @see FutureTask
     * @see Executor
     * @since 1.6
     * @author Doug Lea
     * @param <V> The result type returned by this Future's {@code get} method
    public interface RunnableFuture<V> extends Runnable, Future<V> {
         * Sets this Future to the result of its computation
         * unless it has been cancelled.
        void run();

    Future 是一个异步计算结果的代表;可取消cancle(),可同步等待完成get();

     * A {@code Future} represents the result of an asynchronous
     * computation.  Methods are provided to check if the computation is
     * complete, to wait for its completion, and to retrieve the result of
     * the computation.  The result can only be retrieved using method
     * {@code get} when the computation has completed, blocking if
     * necessary until it is ready.  Cancellation is performed by the
     * {@code cancel} method.  Additional methods are provided to
     * determine if the task completed normally or was cancelled. Once a
     * computation has completed, the computation cannot be cancelled.
     * If you would like to use a {@code Future} for the sake
     * of cancellability but not provide a usable result, you can
     * declare types of the form {@code Future<?>} and
     * return {@code null} as a result of the underlying task.
    public interface Future<V> 

    future 例子

    public class FutureExample {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
           Future<String> future
                   = executor.submit(new Callable<String>() {
               public String call() {
                   try {
                   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                   return "test-future";
           try {
               String result = future.get();
           } catch (InterruptedException e) {
           } catch (ExecutionException e) {


    * A cancellable asynchronous computation.  This class provides a base
    * implementation of {@link Future}, with methods to start and cancel
    * a computation, query to see if the computation is complete, and
    * retrieve the result of the computation.  The result can only be
    * retrieved when the computation has completed; the {@code get}
    * methods will block if the computation has not yet completed.  Once
    * the computation has completed, the computation cannot be restarted
    * or cancelled (unless the computation is invoked using
    * {@link #runAndReset}).
    The {@link FutureTask} class is an implementation of {@code Future} that
    * implements {@code Runnable}, and so may be executed by an {@code Executor}.
    public class FutureTask<V> implements RunnableFuture<V>

    RunnableFuture 是一个继承了 Runable接口的Future

    * A {@link Future} that is {@link Runnable}. Successful execution of
    * the {@code run} method causes completion of the {@code Future}
    * and allows access to its results.
    public interface RunnableFuture<V> extends Runnable, Future<V>


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyCallable callable1 = new MyCallable(5000);
        MyCallable callable2 = new MyCallable(6000);
        FutureTask<String> futureTask1 = new FutureTask<String>(callable1);
        FutureTask<String> futureTask2 = new FutureTask<String>(callable2);
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
        while (true) {
            try {
                if(futureTask1.isDone() && futureTask2.isDone()){
                    //shut down executor service
                    //wait indefinitely for future task to complete
                    //这里有一个get所以一直等待 futureTask1 完成,才执行下面的方法
                    System.out.println("FutureTask1 output="+futureTask1.get());
                System.out.println("Waiting for FutureTask2 to complete");
                String s = futureTask2.get(200L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                if(s !=null){
                    System.out.println("FutureTask2 output="+s);
            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            }catch(TimeoutException e){
                //do nothing
    public class MyCallable implements Callable<String> {
        private long waitTime;
        public MyCallable(int timeInMillis){
        public String call() throws Exception {
            //return the thread name executing this callable task
            return Thread.currentThread().getName();


     A {@link java.util.Queue} that additionally supports operations
    * that wait for the queue to become non-empty when retrieving an
    * element, and wait for space to become available in the queue when
    * storing an element.

    * An optionally-bounded {@linkplain BlockingQueue blocking queue} based on
    * linked nodes.
    * This queue orders elements FIFO (first-in-first-out).
    * The <em>head</em> of the queue is that element that has been on the
    * queue the longest time.
    * The <em>tail</em> of the queue is that element that has been on the
    * queue the shortest time. New elements
    * are inserted at the tail of the queue, and the queue retrieval
    * operations obtain elements at the head of the queue.
    * Linked queues typically have higher throughput than array-based queues but
    * less predictable performance in most concurrent applications.
    public class LinkedBlockingQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E>
            implements BlockingQueue<E>,




        本文标题:Java 并发包
