7招教你重获心灵的安宁 2018-07-19

7招教你重获心灵的安宁 2018-07-19

作者: NapoleonHill | 来源:发表于2018-07-19 16:00 被阅读0次

When you were child you had a pure mind;the mind which was free from worries and anxieties. As the time passed, youwere influenced by several social, personal, familial and official crises suchas financial complications, broken relationship, lack of trust, joblessness, failure in business, loss of respect and so on. When the mind is stressful, theassociated germs of negativity, jealousy and pessimism add fuel to fire andhence your pure mind becomes impure. These impurities if taken out can bringback the mental purity hence real spirit of joy of childhood can be attained upto an adequate level. Of course you cannot fix all of your problem at once butyou can train your mind to develop the skills which can help either bypass orovercome the depressed and tragic situations so as to give you a big timerelaxation while you focus on the solution to your problems. Below are sometechniques which can be used to combat the peace stealing triggers:

1.Mind your own business. Yes, please mindyour own business. When you start being concerned about things which are notrelated to you, you lose your grip on your thought process which often resultsin negativity disturbing the mental peace. Basically, your mind startswandering here and there. As you know that a non-focused mind is evil sworkshop hence the germs of negativity and jealousy gain more strength. So nexttime an unnecessary thought comes to your mind, think whether this is reallysomething you should be worrying for? If not, shun it right away and focus onsomething positive, practical and fruitful.

2.Surround yourself in positive people.Ignore negative comments and stay away from negative souls. When someone isnegative, he spreads negativity and you get affected. Permanently staying withsuch people will have long term impact on your character so think about yourcompany.

3.Don t think about others too much.Remember the great quote: small minds discuss people; Average minds discussevents; Higher minds discuss ideas and Great minds act in silence. Don t allowyour brain to compare yourself to others as this is an insult to yourself. Dont be Jealous; it s a heart killing disease, get rid of it as soon as possible.When you are jealous you focus on finding faults in others even if they don'thave. This poisons your soul and steals the mental peace.

4.You can' t keep everyone happy. Don t beover sensitive. Be natural and genuine in what you do. Be positive,constructive and ethical in your deeds and then don t really care too muchabout others. Be aware, don t apply this formula to too closed relations.Develop trust to establish powerful relationships.

5.Control your mood swings as it is anindication of unstable personality. Do it by not being over sensitive toothers. Stop being reactive and implosive. Stay calm.

6.Ignore your thoughts about being unlucky.Bad luck happens to everyone. It s not your fault at all. Time whether good orbad, passes quickly. Develop the power of not looking back into your past.Believe in the power of Now. Believe in your skills. Work hard and have faithin God; you will get what you have been entitled for. Be patient and see whatGod has planned for you. Patience and consistency in your deeds is the key tosuccess.

7.Simplicity in your character and livingstyle can overcome the stress and improve your happiness index. Don t besocially sensitive and start following every single trend your social circle isfollowing.

With these recommendations, I believe youcan bring major changes in your life style hence attain back your mental peace.What are your recommendations in gaining mental peace?


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      本文标题:7招教你重获心灵的安宁 2018-07-19
