20160425 log

20160425 log

作者: tonyoppa | 来源:发表于2016-04-26 06:44 被阅读0次

hard knowledge

1. cardio on james: valvular diseases, sleep apnea, ie, heart failure . aspect excel most is medication names: bivalirubin, fondaparinux.

soft knowledge

1. cup comments on me: poor hx taking skills, chaotic mindset, poor list of ddx

solution: master ddx as top priority in james

2. printer shop doesnt want to look for my printer wire: printer shop swallowed my printer wire, they no intend to look for it. i need buy new wire, an unwanted buy necessary sudden expenditure. hate it.


cup is now medical officer one year. salary is 60000+20000 =80000hkd per month. but need 17% tax,which is a lot~ he told me,not to expect a tycoon from being a doc, but only a stable life with a couple of family trip and more than 1 offspring


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