Day 33.运动健身第33天历史新低2公里The case f

Day 33.运动健身第33天历史新低2公里The case f

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-09-28 19:15 被阅读0次


The case for Bernie Sanders.

If he wins the nomination, Senator Bernie Sanders will be the most left wing politician ever nominated for presidents for either of the two major parties.

Many the microwaves, especially motorists think this is a disaster in waiting they see a winnable election against a warning durable vulnerable incumbent potentially squandered by a candidate with radical  Wheels.

But the evidence says he can win Sanders is the only candidate who can possibly plausibly unit the anti trump majority of the elect elaborate elaborate he is as popular with people who dislike patterns politics as he is when with rank and file dormitories. With his forceful attacks on cooperation and bigotry, he can speak directly to the concerns about Trump's character and personality that has landed moderate suburban west and helped given  Democrats the house of representative.

His independent personal might alleviate people in the democratic establishment, but it's a powerful asset for the general election. It makes him a different kind of democrat removed from Washington in a way that appeals to much of the public. This is why Sanders is uniquely electable. Despite his age, he promises a true break with the past.


  • Day 33.运动健身第33天历史新低2公里The case f


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      本文标题:Day 33.运动健身第33天历史新低2公里The case f
