

作者: 北欧森林 | 来源:发表于2021-03-18 06:21 被阅读0次

scater包官网地址:Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R.
目前版本为1.18.6 (Revised: February 4, 2020).

1 Introduction

scater is based on the SingleCellExperiment class (from the SingleCellExperiment package), and thus is interoperable with many other Bioconductor packages such as scran, scuttle and iSEE.

example_sce <- ZeiselBrainData()  # 加载scRNAseq包里的经典数据集

## class: SingleCellExperiment 
## dim: 20006 3005 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(20006): Tspan12 Tshz1 ... mt-Rnr1 mt-Nd4l
## rowData names(1): featureType
## colnames(3005): 1772071015_C02 1772071017_G12 ... 1772066098_A12
##   1772058148_F03
## colData names(10): tissue group # ... level1class level2class
## reducedDimNames(0):
## altExpNames(2): ERCC repeat

Explore the data

# astrocytes_ependymal    endothelial-mural         interneurons            microglia 
# 224                       235                  290                   98 
# oligodendrocytes        pyramidal CA1         pyramidal SS 
# 820                     939                  399 

# (none)    Astro1    Astro2   CA1Pyr1   CA1Pyr2 CA1PyrInt   CA2Pyr2   Choroid 
# 189        68        61       380       447        49        41        10 
# ClauPyr     Epend      Int1     Int10     Int11     Int12     Int13     Int14 
# 5        20        12        21        10        21        15        22 
# Int15     Int16      Int2      Int3      Int4      Int5      Int6      Int7 
# 18        20        24        10        15        20        22        23 
# Int8      Int9      Mgl1      Mgl2    Oligo1    Oligo2    Oligo3    Oligo4 
# 26        11        17        16        45        98        87       106 
# Oligo5    Oligo6     Peric      Pvm1      Pvm2   S1PyrDL  S1PyrL23   S1PyrL4 
# 125       359        21        32        33        81        74        26 
# S1PyrL5  S1PyrL5a   S1PyrL6  S1PyrL6b    SubPyr     Vend1     Vend2      Vsmc 
# 16        28        39        21        22        32       105        62 
2 Diagnostic plots for quality control
example_sce <- addPerCellQC(example_sce, 
    subsets=list(Mito=grep("mt-", rownames(example_sce))))

# [1] "tissue"                  "group #"                 "total mRNA mol"         
# [4] "well"                    "sex"                     "age"                    
# [7] "diameter"                "cell_id"                 "level1class"            
# [10] "level2class"             "sum"                     "detected"               
# [13] "percent_top_50"          "percent_top_100"         "percent_top_200"        
# [16] "percent_top_500"         "subsets_Mito_sum"        "subsets_Mito_detected"  
# [19] "subsets_Mito_percent"    "altexps_ERCC_sum"        "altexps_ERCC_detected"  
# [22] "altexps_ERCC_percent"    "altexps_repeat_sum"      "altexps_repeat_detected"
# [25] "altexps_repeat_percent"  "total"                   "sizeFactor"  

Metadata variables can be plotted against each other using the plotColData() function:

plotColData(example_sce, x = "sum", y="detected", colour_by="tissue") 
plotColData(example_sce, x = "sum", y="subsets_Mito_percent", 
    other_fields="tissue") + facet_wrap(~tissue)
# plotHighestExprs(example_sce, exprs_values = "counts") #这一步计算量较大,应保存为pdf,不然会报错

p1 <- plotHighestExprs(example_sce, exprs_values = "counts")
ggsave("plotHighestExprs.pdf", plot = p1, width = 15, height = 18)

Each row in the plot below corresponds to a gene; each bar corresponds to the expression of a gene in a single cell; and the circle indicates the median expression of each gene, with which genes are sorted.

Variable-level metrics are computed by the getVarianceExplained() function (after normalization, see below). This calculates the percentage of variance of each gene’s expression that is explained by each variable in the colData of the SingleCellExperiment object. We can then use this to determine which experimental factors are contributing most to the variance in expression. This is useful for diagnosing batch effects or to quickly verify that a treatment has an effect.

# Computing variance explained on the log-counts,
# so that the statistics reflect changes in relative expression.
example_sce <- logNormCounts(example_sce) 

vars <- getVarianceExplained(example_sce, 
    variables=c("tissue", "total mRNA mol", "sex", "age"))

##              tissue total mRNA mol         sex        age
## Tspan12  0.02207262    0.074086504 0.146344996 0.09472155
## Tshz1    3.36083014    0.003846487 0.001079356 0.31262288
## Fnbp1l   0.43597185    0.421086301 0.003071630 0.64964174
## Adamts15 0.54233888    0.005348505 0.030821621 0.01393787
## Cldn12   0.03506751    0.309128294 0.008341408 0.02363737
## Rxfp1    0.18559637    0.016290703 0.055646799 0.02128006
3 Visualizing expression values

plotExpression function can be particularly useful for further examination of features identified from differential expression testing, pseudotime analysis or other analyses. By default, it uses expression values in the "logcounts" assay, but this can be changed through the exprs_values argument.

plotExpression(example_sce, rownames(example_sce)[1:6], x = "level1class")

continuous covariates will generate a scatter plot in each panel:

plotExpression(example_sce, rownames(example_sce)[1:6],
    x = rownames(example_sce)[10])

The points can also be coloured, shaped or resized by the column metadata or expression values.

plotExpression(example_sce, rownames(example_sce)[1:6],
    x = "level1class", colour_by="tissue")

Directly plotting the gene expression without any x or other visual parameters:

plotExpression(example_sce, rownames(example_sce)[1:6])



