

作者: dengyin2000 | 来源:发表于2018-02-16 01:18 被阅读472次


操作符重载在java中并没有这样的概念,它可以让我们为指定的类型提供预定义的一组操作符实现。这些操作符具有固定的符号表示(如+、* 或 in)和固定的优先级。怎样实现操作符重载呢?其实只要你实现一个固定名称的函数,然后用operator来修饰这个函数。查看Kotlin源码可以发现有大量的操作符重载的实现,我们来看看Int类型做了那些操作符重载。

     * Compares this value with the specified value for order.
     * Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other,
     * or a positive number if it's greater than other.
    public operator fun compareTo(other: Byte): Int

     * Compares this value with the specified value for order.
     * Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other,
     * or a positive number if it's greater than other.
    public operator fun compareTo(other: Short): Int

     * Compares this value with the specified value for order.
     * Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other,
     * or a positive number if it's greater than other.
    public override operator fun compareTo(other: Int): Int

     * Compares this value with the specified value for order.
     * Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other,
     * or a positive number if it's greater than other.
    public operator fun compareTo(other: Long): Int

     * Compares this value with the specified value for order.
     * Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other,
     * or a positive number if it's greater than other.
    public operator fun compareTo(other: Float): Int

     * Compares this value with the specified value for order.
     * Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other,
     * or a positive number if it's greater than other.
    public operator fun compareTo(other: Double): Int

    /** Adds the other value to this value. */
    public operator fun plus(other: Byte): Int
    /** Adds the other value to this value. */
    public operator fun plus(other: Short): Int
    /** Adds the other value to this value. */
    public operator fun plus(other: Int): Int
    /** Adds the other value to this value. */
    public operator fun plus(other: Long): Long
    /** Adds the other value to this value. */
    public operator fun plus(other: Float): Float
    /** Adds the other value to this value. */
    public operator fun plus(other: Double): Double

    /** Subtracts the other value from this value. */
    public operator fun minus(other: Byte): Int
    /** Subtracts the other value from this value. */
    public operator fun minus(other: Short): Int
    /** Subtracts the other value from this value. */
    public operator fun minus(other: Int): Int
    /** Subtracts the other value from this value. */
    public operator fun minus(other: Long): Long
    /** Subtracts the other value from this value. */
    public operator fun minus(other: Float): Float
    /** Subtracts the other value from this value. */
    public operator fun minus(other: Double): Double

    /** Multiplies this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun times(other: Byte): Int
    /** Multiplies this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun times(other: Short): Int
    /** Multiplies this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun times(other: Int): Int
    /** Multiplies this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun times(other: Long): Long
    /** Multiplies this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun times(other: Float): Float
    /** Multiplies this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun times(other: Double): Double

    /** Divides this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun div(other: Byte): Int
    /** Divides this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun div(other: Short): Int
    /** Divides this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun div(other: Int): Int
    /** Divides this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun div(other: Long): Long
    /** Divides this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun div(other: Float): Float
    /** Divides this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun div(other: Double): Double

    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    @Deprecated("Use rem(other) instead", ReplaceWith("rem(other)"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
    public operator fun mod(other: Byte): Int
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    @Deprecated("Use rem(other) instead", ReplaceWith("rem(other)"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
    public operator fun mod(other: Short): Int
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    @Deprecated("Use rem(other) instead", ReplaceWith("rem(other)"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
    public operator fun mod(other: Int): Int
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    @Deprecated("Use rem(other) instead", ReplaceWith("rem(other)"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
    public operator fun mod(other: Long): Long
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    @Deprecated("Use rem(other) instead", ReplaceWith("rem(other)"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
    public operator fun mod(other: Float): Float
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    @Deprecated("Use rem(other) instead", ReplaceWith("rem(other)"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
    public operator fun mod(other: Double): Double

    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun rem(other: Byte): Int
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun rem(other: Short): Int
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun rem(other: Int): Int
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun rem(other: Long): Long
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun rem(other: Float): Float
    /** Calculates the remainder of dividing this value by the other value. */
    public operator fun rem(other: Double): Double

    /** Increments this value. */
    public operator fun inc(): Int
    /** Decrements this value. */
    public operator fun dec(): Int
    /** Returns this value. */
    public operator fun unaryPlus(): Int
    /** Returns the negative of this value. */
    public operator fun unaryMinus(): Int

     /** Creates a range from this value to the specified [other] value. */
    public operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange
     /** Creates a range from this value to the specified [other] value. */
    public operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange
     /** Creates a range from this value to the specified [other] value. */
    public operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange
     /** Creates a range from this value to the specified [other] value. */
    public operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange

    /** Shifts this value left by the [bitCount] number of bits. */
    public infix fun shl(bitCount: Int): Int
    /** Shifts this value right by the [bitCount] number of bits, filling the leftmost bits with copies of the sign bit. */
    public infix fun shr(bitCount: Int): Int
    /** Shifts this value right by the [bitCount] number of bits, filling the leftmost bits with zeros. */
    public infix fun ushr(bitCount: Int): Int
    /** Performs a bitwise AND operation between the two values. */
    public infix fun and(other: Int): Int
    /** Performs a bitwise OR operation between the two values. */
    public infix fun or(other: Int): Int
    /** Performs a bitwise XOR operation between the two values. */
    public infix fun xor(other: Int): Int

2. 一元操作

2.1 一元前缀操作符

表达式 翻译为
+a a.unaryPlus()
-a a.unaryMinus()
!a a.not()


  • 确定a实例的类型,如果类似为T。
  • 在T类型中查找一个带有operator修饰符的无参函数unaryPlus(),可以是成员函数或者扩展函数。
  • 如果没有找到,则会发生编译错误。


data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

operator fun Point.unaryMinus() : Point = Point(-x, -y)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val p = Point(1, 2)
    println(p)  //打印Point(x=1, y=2)
    println(-p)  //打印Point(x=-1, y=-2)

2.2 递增与递减

表达式 翻译为
a++ a.inc()
a-- a.dec()


data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

operator fun Point.unaryMinus() : Point = Point(-x, -y)

operator fun Point.inc(): Point = Point(x + 1, y + 1)

operator fun Point.dec(): Point = Point(x - 1, y - 1)

3. 二元操作符

3.1 算术运算符

表达式 翻译为
a + b a.plus(b)
a - b a.minus(b)
a * b a.times(b)
a / b a.div(b)
a % b a.rem(b)、 a.mod(b) (已弃用)
a..b a.rangeTo(b)

请注意,自 Kotlin 1.1 起支持 rem 运算符。Kotlin 1.0 使用 mod 运算符,它在 Kotlin 1.1 中被弃用。

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

operator fun Point.unaryMinus() : Point = Point(-x, -y)

operator fun Point.inc(): Point = Point(x + 1, y + 1)

operator fun Point.dec(): Point = Point(x - 1, y - 1)

operator fun Point.plus(point: Point): Point = Point(x + point.x, y + point.y)

operator fun Point.minus(point: Point): Point = Point(x - point.x, y - point.y)

operator fun Point.times(point: Point): Point = Point(x * point.x, y * point.y)

3.2 “in”操作符

表达式 翻译为
a in b b.contains(a)
a !in b !b.contains(a)


data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

data class Rectangle(val x: Int, val y: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int)

operator fun Point.unaryMinus() : Point = Point(-x, -y)

operator fun Point.inc(): Point = Point(x + 1, y + 1)

operator fun Point.dec(): Point = Point(x - 1, y - 1)

operator fun Point.plus(point: Point): Point = Point(x + point.x, y + point.y)

operator fun Point.minus(point: Point): Point = Point(x - point.x, y - point.y)

operator fun Point.times(point: Point): Point = Point(x * point.x, y * point.y)

operator fun Rectangle.contains(point: Point): Boolean = point.x > x && point.x <x +width && point.y > y && point.y < y +height

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val p = Point(1, 2)
    val rectangle = Rectangle(0, 0, 2,3)
    println(p in rectangle)  //打印true

3.3 索引访问操作符

表达式 翻译为
a[i] a.get(i)
a[i, j] a.get(i, j)
a[i_1, ……, i_n] a.get(i_1, ……, i_n)
a[i] = b a.set(i, b)
a[i, j] = b a.set(i, j, b)
a[i_1, ……, i_n] = b a.set(i_1, ……, i_n, b)

3.4 广义赋值

表达式 翻译为
a += b a.plusAssign(b)
a -= b a.minusAssign(b)
a *= b a.timesAssign(b)
a /= b a.divAssign(b)
a %= b a.remAssign(b), a.modAssign(b)(已弃用)





3.5 相等与不等操作符

表达式 翻译为
a == b a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null)
a != b !(a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null))


3.6 Elvis操作符 ?:

在Kotlin中,Elvis操作符特定是跟null比较。也就是说y = x?:0等价于val y = if (x!==null) x else 0。主要用于null的安全检查,Elvis操作符是一个二元运算符,如果第一个操作数不为null,则返回自己,否则返回第二个操作数。

在Kotlin中没有java中的三元运算符true?1:0,只有类似的`if (true) 1 else 0。而Evlis操作符是精简版的三元操作符。在java中使用三元运算符通常要重复变量两次,如下:

String name = ...;
String displayName = name !=null ? name : "Unknown";


val name = ...
val displayName = name?:"Unkown"

3.7 比较操作符

表达式 翻译为
a > b a.compareTo(b) > 0
a < b a.compareTo(b) < 0
a >= b a.compareTo(b) >= 0
a <= b a.compareTo(b) <= 0

所有的比较都转换为对 compareTo 的调用,这个函数需要返回 Int 值。

3.8 操作符优先级

优先级 标题 符号
最高 后缀(Postfix) ++, --, ., ?., ?
前缀(Prefix) -, +, ++, --, !, labelDefinition@
右手类型运算(Type RHS,right-hand side class type) :, as, as?
乘除去余(Multiplicative) *, /, %
加减(Additive) *, /, %
区间范围(Range) ..
infix函数 1 shl 2
Elvis操作符 ?:
命名检查符(Named checks) in, !in, is, !is
比较大小(Comparison) <, >, <=, >=
相等行判断(Equality) ==, !==
与(Conjunction) &&
或(Disjunction) ll
最低 赋值(Assignment) =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

4. 中缀表示法


  • 他们是成员函数或扩展函数
  • 他们只有一个参数
  • 他们使用infix关键字标注
data class Point(var x: Int, var y: Int)

data class Rectangle(val x: Int, val y: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int)

operator fun Point.unaryMinus() : Point = Point(-x, -y)

operator fun Point.inc(): Point = Point(x + 1, y + 1)

operator fun Point.dec(): Point = Point(x - 1, y - 1)

operator fun Point.plusAssign(point: Point) {
    x += point.x
    y += point.y


operator fun Point.minus(point: Point): Point = Point(x - point.x, y - point.y)

operator fun Point.times(point: Point): Point = Point(x * point.x, y * point.y)

operator fun Rectangle.contains(point: Point): Boolean = point.x > x && point.x <x +width && point.y > y && point.y < y +height

infix fun Point.mut(point: Point): Point = Point(x * point.x, y * point.y)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var x = Point(1, 2)
    var y = Point(3, 6)

    println(x mut y)  //打印Point(x=3, y=12)














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