

作者: 86050d85fb4b | 来源:发表于2021-08-04 08:36 被阅读0次
  1. Plastic surgery
    She needs extensive plastic surgery to her face

  2. Wrinkle
    There were fine wrinkles around her eyes

  3. black and blue
    it is badly bruised.
    when i got my nose job,i was black and blue for a week

  4. weird

  5. staying up late

  6. ghost [ɡoʊst] 鬼,鬼魂

  7. have a clear mind

  8. have an ideal sleep condition

  9. a ray of hope 一线希望

  10. methane
    carbon dioxide and nitrous Oxide [ˌnaɪtrəs ˈɒksaɪd] [ˈmeθeɪn]
    甲烷 氧化氮

  11. perish 灭亡

  12. the giant monster giant 巨型

  13. with a sulking face sulk 面有愠色 ; 生闷气

  14. I second him/that 我支持他
    second to none 无人能及,无与伦比,顶尖
    My suggestion is second to none and the manager accepts it excitedly

    Without a second thought 立即马上,不假思索的

  15. hijack 劫机
    carjack劫车 carjacker劫车大盗

  16. slumber 沉睡

  17. by doing our bit 尽我们的一份力量

  18. double eyelid

    Single eyelid

  19. farewell n.告别,辞行 adj.告别的
    Farewell to you my love
    Farewell Albert

  20. nowadays adv.现在,现今,目前

  21. hasten v. 促进,急忙进行,赶紧说
    Let me hasten to add that I am not now,and have never been,a puppy-drowner

  22. Curse 诅咒,咒歌

  23. unmost splendour

    Unmost n.极限,最大可能 adj.极度的,最远的
    splendour n.壮丽,豪华,光辉



