词为我用 - knack

词为我用 - knack

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-03-11 21:08 被阅读0次


knack  TEM8  GRE

UK  /næk/ US  /næk/

1. noun, a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn 技能,本领

2. noun, a habit of doing sth 习惯,癖好


1. Alongside her writings and poetry, she had a knack for a prescient and inspiring quote: "Sometimes we are blessed with being able to choose the time and the arena, and the manner of our revolutions, but more usually we must do battle where we are standing".(The Guardian)

2. As a diplomat, public servant and shadow minister, Rudd had an unhappy knack of making colleagues loathe him.(The Guardian)

3. The result reflected not just his personal charm and gentleness – he had the knack of never sounding like a career politician even after 30 years at Westminster – but personal bravery too.(The Guardian - Opinion)

4. It's easy to see why Janet Yellen's rare knack for reading the economy could come in handy.(The Guardian - Opinion)

5. If his style wasn't considered groundbreaking, de la Renta had a knack of dressing the most influential women of every decade, from royals and politicians to socialites and pop stars.(The Guardian)

6. Ian Holloway joked that he would continue signing Phillips, currently on loan from Blackpool, into his 50s and 60s if he still had the knack of finding the back of the goal.(The Guardian - Sport)

7. The solution – speed reading – may seem like a magician's parlour trick or a knack you have to be born with.(The Guardian)

8. He has inherited Ming Campbell's knack of seeming above the party fray, and added a talent for the wounding phrase that is all his own.(The Guardian - Opinion)

9. They both need Cameron's knack for governing without a majority to work a little longer.(The Guardian - Opinion)

10. Here was a Navy reserve lieutenant who had spent the last 25 years as a distinguished detective on the mean streets of Chicago, closing case after case – often due to his knack for getting confessions.(The Guardian)

11. None of those problems is answered with the simplistic cry: "Move to the left!" When Labour triumphed in Scotland in the past it was because it had the knack of appealing to both its traditional supporters and more middle-class voters.(The Guardian - Opinion)

12. An acquaintance of mine who has an uncanny knack of being able to reproduce virtually any accent at the drop of a hat once did Greek waiter, Polish refugee, Italian gigolo and Spanish matador for a single 30-second radio advert, with a convincing Anthony Hopkins thrown in for good measure.(The Guardian)


real, amazing, incredible, uncanny, happy, unfortunate knack | have, demonstrate, display, show, acquire, develop, lose knack | knack for, of, to


mid-14c., "a deception, trick, device," a word of uncertain origin. Perhaps from or related to a Low German word meaning "a sharp sounding blow" (compare Middle English knak, late 14c.; German knacken "to crack;" also knap) and of imitative origin. Sense of "special skill" (in some specified activity) is first recorded 1580s, if this is in fact the same word. In old slang (mid-18c. to mid-19c.) nacky meant "full of knacks; ingenious, dexterous."


aptitude, endowment, genius, gift, talent, ability, capacity


disability, inability, incapacity,shortcoming, weakness

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