电影《奇迹男孩》英语原版阅读Wonder---By R.J. P

电影《奇迹男孩》英语原版阅读Wonder---By R.J. P

作者: Helen_5a17 | 来源:发表于2019-06-15 19:45 被阅读0次

 作为教学多年的资深英语教师,强烈推荐英语原版阅读。给自己定一个阅读计划,无论是学生党还是上班族,一起来加油,坚持读下去。Read for fun, for our future !(原创未经允许请勿转载)

    “Wonder” 难度较低,是儿童文学作品,适合初中学生阅读。阅读建议:




   If anyone wants me to recommend a children book, Wonder will definitely in the book list.

    It is about a boy named Auggie, ordinary in mind, but unfortunately with an abnormal face. All is due to a strange gene mutation, given by doctors when they can't explain something.

     So why is it a good book?

     To begin with, it, I believe, will no doubt cheer up and inspire millions of children. For children with some defects, no matter it is physical, or it is phychological, or something shameful about their family, Auggie is going to show them the spirit. How would you feel when almost everyone stays away from you, or scream the moment they see you? I bet most people would lose confidence, drown themselves in self-pity, hate their life for not treating them fairly and just kepp themselves in the small safe world they create. But that is not Auggie did. In fact, he wins some genuine friends because of his humor, and being fun. He plays games, he know Star Wars well; he treates people around him very kindly. 

       For example, when his mom asks who he wants to invite in his birthday party, he says, he wants to invite all the classmates in his class, because he doens't want anyone to feel leftout. Although, in his life, he is almost always treated like that, but he answers with kind. In the book, you'll find him a boy who will forget others' viciousness.

      My admiration for him also comes from his bravery. After hurt by the words of Jack Will, a best friend in his eyes, he suffers great pain. But he doesn't tell anyone about it, not arousing worry his beloved parents, or causing trouble for Jack. But he doesn't want to go to school. He told Via, "Don't compare your bad days at school to mind, Okay?" Via, Auggie's sister said, "Okay, that's fair. But it's not a contest about whose days sick the most, Auggies, the point is we all have to put up with the bad days. Now unless you want to be treated like a baby the rest of your life, or like a kid with special needs, you just have to suck it up and go." Auggie really gets up on his won feet, going to school inspite of his classmates' disgust all around waiting for him. That's what we should learn from failure, from fear. If we don't want to be defeated, we have to suck it up and go. No other to bypass it.

     But he is also very very lucky. His parents are so caring. I don't  know how they could put up with all of this without complaining. Instead, they are being so great, marvelous to bring up two kids, both kind in heart and considerate, smart and brave. Only when the parents are warm, brave, can they create a warm home where kids, especially the one hurt by fate, can find a place to cuddle themslves and suck their wound. And becuase of the loving parents, they are getting stronger and stay kind, fun in the face of viciousness.

       Thanks should also be given to Auggies teachers, and the headmaster Mr Tushman. If parents are the angels at home, then the teachers are the lighthouse for the naive children outside parents' protection. The English teacher teaches them, "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind" "Fortune favors the bold." With a teacher guiding them to be kind and brave, I see why still in the world kind people are in majority. Teachers arouses the most beautiful parts in their hearts, especially when they are in confusion. This goes for Mr Tushman. When Jack Will hit Julian, Mr Tushman didn't do like many teachers, scolding him for breaking the rule, or just giving him a lesson of being kind in the future. Instead, he communicates with Jack Will, he gives him time to think what to do. He also defends him for being violent as way to show his favor of being brave for friends. "While nothing justifies striking other student, I know good friends are worth defending."

        In the book, you will also see the dark side in children's world or the parents' social circle. If anyone is "abnormal", then he is like a "Plague", who all of the other students should stay away from. If anyone gets close to the Plague, then he becomes a new Plague. Children creates their own groups to get rid of, in another word, to hurt the abnormal kid on purpose. This surely will break some kind children whose will are not so strong. So they join the big group to be vicious. It is a journey of learning to grow up. How can we, as parents, help our chilren build their own correct understanding of different situdation and choose right, choose kind? I believe, we should set an example to our chidren just like Auggie's parents. 

        There is also Julian's mother, who is rich but also stupid. She spreads ill news about Auggie, just to defend her child's misbehavior. She even wants to unite the other parents to put pressure on the headmaster Mr Tushman, to expel Agguie out of school. I don't think with such a mom, Julian will grow into a real brave man in the future.

     I didn't finish the book anyway, partly because the book is so easy in words, and not very useful for an adult like me. But it is universally acknowledged as a wonderful book.

Famous Quotes:

My mom always said, "If you don't like where you are, ... just picture what you wanna be."

"When given the choice between being right ot being rich, choose kind."

Because school sucks. And people change. So if you wanna be a normal kid, Auggie, then those are the rules.

While nothing justifies striking another student ... I know good frends are worth defending.

Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's ordinary. And we all deserve a standing



      本文标题:电影《奇迹男孩》英语原版阅读Wonder---By R.J. P
