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外刊原文来源:The Economist 2020.11
在1979到1980年的大部分时间里,考文特花园的“闪击”(Blitz)酒吧每周二都会举办轰动一时的夜店聚会。当时的伦敦破败萧条。这个酒吧也是个乌烟瘴气的地方。让它不同凡响的是一群衣着夸张的周二之夜常客,人称“闪击小孩”(Blitz Kids)。当时十几岁的乔治男孩(Boy George)在那里的衣帽间工作。那儿的入场规定十分严格。周二看场子的史蒂夫·斯特兰奇(Steve Strange)说,要想进来,你看起来得“像一件行走的艺术品”。米克·贾格尔(Mick Jagger)曾被拒之门外。
EVERY TUESDAY for most of 1979-80, the Blitz wine bar in Covent Garden was host to an influential club-night. London was then a run-down city. The Blitz was a seedy spot. What made it remarkable were the Blitz Kids, the extravagantly dressed Tuesday-night regulars. A teenage Boy George worked in the cloakroom. The door policy was strict. To get in, said Steve Strange, who ran the club-night, you had to look "like a walking piece of art". Mick Jagger was once refused entry.
influential 轰动一时的
run-down 破败萧条
seedy 乌烟瘴气的
remarkable 不同凡响的
strict 十分严格
cloakroom 衣帽间
refused entry 拒之门外
1.EVERY TUESDAY for most of 1979-80, the Blitz wine bar in Covent Garden was host to an influential club-night.
在1979到1980年的大部分时间里,考文特花园的“闪击”(Blitz) 酒吧每周二都会举办轰动一时的夜店聚会。
influential 有影响力的 having a lot of influence on someone or something
She wanted to work for a bigger and more influential (= powerful) newspaper.
Johnson was influential (=important) in persuading the producers to put money into the film.
2. London was then a run-down city. The Blitz was a seedy spot.
1)run-down city 城市破败萧条(偏正转主谓)
run-down visitors center 游客中心破旧不堪
2)seedy spot 其实也可进行词性转换
seedy 破旧的,褴褛的;肮脏的;下流的
The Blitz was aseedyspot.闪击”(Blitz) 酒吧乌烟瘴气
3.What made it remarkable were the Blitz Kids, the extravagantly dressed Tuesday-night regulars.
让它不同凡响的是一群衣着夸张的周二之夜常客,人称“闪击小孩”(Blitz Kids)。
the extravagantly dressed Tuesday-night regulars 修饰 Blitz Kids,译文转化了翻译顺序,重心放后面。
4.A teenage Boy George worked in the cloakroom.
当时十几岁的乔治男孩(Boy George)在那里的衣帽间工作。
这里翻译Boy George错误。
佐治童子(英语:Boy George,本名:George Alan O'Dowd,1961年6月14日-),英国著名男歌手、作曲家、唱片骑师、时装设计师。他是流行音乐组合文化俱乐部的主音,以妖艳的女性化做型所为人熟悉。
5.The door policy was strict. To get in, said Steve Strange, who ran the club-night, you had to look "like a walking piece of art".
那儿的入场规定十分严格。周二看场子的史蒂夫·斯特兰奇(Steve Strange)说,要想进来,你看起来得“像一件行走的艺术品”。
strict 十分严格(四字结构)
who ran the club-night 修饰人物,放前面作定语。
6.Mick Jagger was once refused entry.
米克.贾格尔(Mick Jagger)曾被拒之门外。
refused entry 拒之门外(四字结构)