6.1日 It is a piece of cake

6.1日 It is a piece of cake

作者: Ghosting | 来源:发表于2016-07-07 22:40 被阅读0次

    hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇;  不愿;  支吾;  停顿 vt.对…犹豫;  不情愿

    adore vt.崇拜;  爱慕;  非常喜欢;  敬佩 vi.崇拜;  爱慕

    cousin n.堂[表]兄弟姊妹;  远亲,同辈

    connotation n.内涵,含义;  言外之意;  [逻辑学]内涵

    unrealistic adj.不切实际的;  不现实的;  空想的;  不实在的

    cucumber n.黄瓜,胡瓜

    apple of one's eye

    bag egg

    have a cake and eat it too

    cool as a cucumber 

    cream of the crop

    cry over spilled milk

    cup of tea

    theater n.剧场;  戏剧界;  戏剧效果;  [军]战区

    ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的;  难为情

    spilled v.溢出( spill的过去式和过去分词 );  泼出;  涌出;  蜂拥而出

    certain adj.某一;  必然的;  已确定的 pron.[动词用复数]某些

    category n.类型,部门,种类,类别,类目;  [逻,哲]范畴;  体重等级

    musicians n.音乐家( musician的名词复数 )

    athlete n.运动员;  体育家;  强壮的人

    The person is very calm and relaxed even in stressful and dangerous situations



          本文标题:6.1日 It is a piece of cake
