Wetez周报:Tezos betanet 已发布

Wetez周报:Tezos betanet 已发布

作者: Wetez | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 18:36 被阅读0次




Wetez在测了近3个月的Alphanet和Zeronet后,迎来了新的测试网络。新的Betanet和Zeronet很相似,但有所不同,增加了Original burn,stroage limit,gas limit等字段,这些增加意味着用户在进行委托的时候有固定0.257XTZ的燃烧手续费(Original Burn),也就是说,不管你委托1个XTZ还是委托1000个XTZ,固定的手续费都是0.257。当然,这些参数后期可能会修改。



Wetez weekly report20180701):

Tezos betanet launched and Wetez is coming soon.

Finanlly, Tezos Betanet launched in 30th june, the net may requires 2 weeks or more to run well. In this period, large amount transfer is not recommended.

Meanwhile, the first 7 cycle will be baked by TF only, no block reward until it run in a well condition, other baker could operate baking and delegation in the 8 cycle of betanet.

In addition, many wallets of Tezos are not switch the network from zeronet to betanet, it also may requires weeks or more to test the batenet. According the twitter acounnts, 4 main wallets will be available, Cryptonomic( foundation funded), Wetez, Tezbox and blue.

After 3 months of test on Alphanet and Zeronet, Wetez faces the new betanet which is similar to Zeronet, but  it adds some new features to the network ,include original burn,stroage limit,gas limit, etc, which bring a new cost to someone who want to delegate bakers to bake(0.257xtz will be charged, and it is fix). Wetez does not know whether this parameter is changeable or not.

This week, Wetez is  fully connect to the Betanet, and optimize the wallet interface and operation which may cost us a week to release our wallet. In this period, we should try our best to ensure the wallet security and wait for the well running of betanet, it is a key important for users.

After all, Tezos betanet has arrived , Wetez wallet will never be late.




Wete Twiiter





      本文标题:Wetez周报:Tezos betanet 已发布
