CoinCap API 查询数字货币市场数据 - 区块链数据开发

CoinCap API 查询数字货币市场数据 - 区块链数据开发

作者: 极客红石 | 来源:发表于2019-03-15 15:31 被阅读26次

简介:CoinCap 是查询超过1,000种加密货币实时定价和市场活动的有用工具。通过收集来自数千个市场的交换数据,能够提供有关资产价格和可用性透明而准确的数据。本文整理 CoinCap API 查询数字货币市场基本数据的基础操作和介绍。

CoinCap 是查询超过1,000种加密货币实时定价和市场活动的有用工具。通过收集来自数千个市场的交换数据,能够提供有关资产价格和可用性透明而准确的数据。本文整理 CoinCap API 查询主流交易所交易基本数据的基础操作和介绍。

CoinCap 对于所有端口,默认情况下,单个页面提供100个响应,并且在请求时每页最多支持2,000个响应。

CoinCap API 服务包括 RESTful API 和 WebSocket API 两种。通过 CoinCap API 查询数据不需要申请密钥。



Node.js 代码示例:

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

fetch('https://api.coincap.io/v2/markets', {
    method: 'get',
}).then(response => response.json()
    .then(data => console.log(data.data)));


  "data": [
      "exchangeId": "acx",
      "rank": "1",
      "baseSymbol": "BTC",
      "baseId": "bitcoin",
      "quoteSymbol": "AUD",
      "quoteId": "australian-dollar",
      "priceQuote": "5449.1200000000000000",
      "priceUsd": "3849.1836999949140395",
      "volumeUsd24Hr": "801831.1549133405333972",
      "percentExchangeVolume": "94.2170951004247824",
      "tradesCount24Hr": "404",
      "updated": 1552554174979
      "exchangeId": "acx",
      "rank": "2",
      "baseSymbol": "ETH",
      "baseId": "ethereum",
      "quoteSymbol": "AUD",
      "quoteId": "australian-dollar",
      "priceQuote": "188.9700000000000000",
      "priceUsd": "133.4858185886966897",
      "volumeUsd24Hr": "22915.5905686127139472",
      "percentExchangeVolume": "2.6926371751154067",
      "tradesCount24Hr": "119",
      "updated": 1552554175018
      "exchangeId": "acx",
      "rank": "3",
      "baseSymbol": "BCH",
      "baseId": "bitcoin-cash",
      "quoteSymbol": "AUD",
      "quoteId": "australian-dollar",
      "priceQuote": "183.1400000000000000",
      "priceUsd": "129.3675864758105083",
      "volumeUsd24Hr": "18030.4779974796137891",
      "percentExchangeVolume": "2.1186246627923210",
      "tradesCount24Hr": "118",
      "updated": 1552554175073
      "exchangeId": "acx",
      "rank": "4",
      "baseSymbol": "LTC",
      "baseId": "litecoin",
      "quoteSymbol": "AUD",
      "quoteId": "australian-dollar",
      "priceQuote": "78.0100000000000000",
      "priceUsd": "55.1051950473843931",
      "volumeUsd24Hr": "4434.4032137750979292",
      "percentExchangeVolume": "0.5210530755081871",
      "tradesCount24Hr": "61",
      "updated": 1552554175091
      "exchangeId": "acx",
      "rank": "5",
      "baseSymbol": "HC",
      "baseId": "hypercash",
      "quoteSymbol": "AUD",
      "quoteId": "australian-dollar",
      "priceQuote": "1.8200000000000000",
      "priceUsd": "1.2856230609696141",
      "volumeUsd24Hr": "3834.5533378165317206",
      "percentExchangeVolume": "0.4505692679598581",
      "tradesCount24Hr": null,
      "updated": 1552554175105
  "timestamp": 1552554236026

返回 JSON 在官方文档的释义:

exchangeId: unique identifier for exchange
rank: rank is in ascending order - this number represents the amount of volume transacted by this market in relation to other markets on that exchange
baseSymbol: most common symbol used to identify asset, base is asset purchased
baseId: unique identifier for this asset, base is asset purchased
quoteSymbol: most common symbol used to identify asset, quote is asset used to purchase base
quoteId: unique identifier for this asset, quote is asset used to purchase base
priceQuote: the amount of quote asset traded for one unit of base asset
priceUsd: quote price translated to USD
volumeUsd24Hr: volume transacted on this market in last 24 hours
percentExchangeVolume: the amount of daily volume a single market transacts in relation to total daily volume of all markets on the exchange
tradesCount24Hr: number of trades on this market in the last 24 hours
updated: UNIX timestamp (milliseconds) since information was received from this particular market


exchangeId: 交易所唯一标识符
rank: 权重,按升序排列,权重与总交易量直接相关,交易量最高的排在第1;
baseSymbol: 购买资产符号;
baseId: 购买资产ID;
quoteSymbol: 报价资产符号;
quoteId: 报价资产ID;
priceQuote: 单位购买资产的报价金额;
priceUsd: 单位购买资产报价金额转换为美元;
volumeUsd24Hr: 过去24小时内该市场的交易量;
percentExchangeVolume: 单个市场日交易量相对该交易所所有市场交易量的比例;
tradesCount24Hr: 过去24小时该市场的交易数量;
updated: 收到此特定市场信息的时间的 UNIX 时间戳。

CoinCap API 官方文档:https://docs.coincap.io/

CoinCap API 思维导图:




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    本文标题:CoinCap API 查询数字货币市场数据 - 区块链数据开发
