The Nightingale 夜莺

The Nightingale 夜莺

作者: Hi_Super | 来源:发表于2018-03-28 22:30 被阅读0次

(仅作个人翻译练习娱乐之用 原作者安徒生)
The Nightingale 夜莺

Chapter 1 第一章

It is common knowledge that in China the Emperor is a Chinese, and that everyone about him is Chinese.
This story took place a great number of years back, so it is well to put it down in writing now before it goes completely out of men’s minds.
The Emperor’s house was the most beautiful on earth.
It was made completely of porcelain and was of great value, but so delicate and readily broken that it had to be touched with the greatest care.
皇宫完全是用瓷器制作的,超级珍贵,一碰就会碎。所以大家都格外爱护。(瓷器就是中国的代名词,那在我们看来丹麦国王的城堡可能是用童话盖的吧 ;)
In the garden there were the strangest flowers, with beautiful silver bells fixed to them, which made a pleasing sound, so that everybody who went by was made to give attention to the flowers.
In fact, everything in the Emperor’s garden was very surprising, and the size of it was so great that the gardener himself was not certain where it came to an end.
Those who went outside its limits made the discovery that there was a great wood, with high trees, sloping down to the deep blue sea, and the great sailing-ships went by under the shade of its branches.
In one of these trees there was a nightingale whose song was so beautiful that even the poor fishermen, who had such a number of other things to do, would put a stop to their work when the chance came of hearing it.
Sometimes, when they went at night to put out their nets, her song would come to their ears, and they would say, “Oh, is not that beautiful?”
But when they went back to their fishing, they would not give another thought to the bird till night-time.
有时候,渔夫们在傍晚撒出渔网时,夜莺的歌声飘到了他们的耳朵里,他们会说:“太美了!对吧!” 但是当他们继续投入工作中时,直到深夜他们才会再次想起这只鸟。
Then the song would be started again, and they would say “Oh, how beautiful is the nightingale’s song!”
Men from every country on earth came to the Emperor’s town, which seemed to them very beautiful, as did the house and garden;
but on hearing the nightingale’s song, they all said it was the best of all.
And these men, when they went back to their countries, gave an account of what they had seen; and wise men put into books long accounts of the town, the Emperor’s house, and the garden; and they all said something about the nightingale, which was truly the most interesting thing of all.
And those who were able to put their thoughts into verse made beautiful verses about the nightingale living in a wood near the deep sea.
The books went all over the earth, and some of them came into the hands of the Emperor; and while he was reading them, seated in his gold seat, he gave frequent signs of approval , because it was a pleasure to him to see such a beautiful account of his town, his house, and his garden.
这些书流传到了世界各地,有一些甚至辗转到了皇帝手上,当他坐在龙椅上翻阅这些书时,不时的在上面写下心满意足的批注,皇帝看到有人这样描写他的城镇 皇宫 花园,感到很开心。
But when he came to the words “the nightingale is the most beautiful of all,” he gave a cry,
“What is this? I have no knowledge of any nightingale.
Is there such a bird in my Empire, and even in my garden?
Nobody has ever said anything about it to me.
It seems that it is possible to get some knowledge from books.”
但当他看到了这些文字 “ 夜莺是所有东西里最美丽的,”他大叫一声
Then he sent for one of his great men who had had such a good education that when anybody less important than himself said anything to him, or put a question to him, he gave the answer “Pooh!” which has no sense.
“There is talk here of a very surprising bird named a nightingale,” said the Emperor.
:“ 书上说这里有一只叫夜莺的奇鸟,”皇帝说。
“They say it is the best thing in my great Empire.
Why has nobody ever said anything about it to me?”
“The name has never come to my ears,” was the great man’s answer.
“She has never been before the Emperor’s Circle.”
“It is my pleasure to have her come before me tonight,” said the Emperor.
“Everybody has a better knowledge of my property than I have myself.”
“The name has never come to my ears,” said the great man; “but I will do my best to get in touch with her.”
But where was the nightingale?
The great man went all over the house, through rooms great and small; but not one of the persons he came across had any knowledge of the bird.
So he went back to the Emperor, and said that it was without doubt an untrue statement, an invention of the writers of the book.
“It is not wise,” he said, “for the Emperor to give belief to everything said in books;
sometimes they are only fiction, or what is named the Black Art.”
“But the book in which I have seen this account,” said the Emperor, “was sent to me by the Ruler of Japan, who is a great man and has much power, and for that reason it is not possible that there is anything untrue in it.
:“但是朕看的这本书,” 皇帝说:“是日本天皇送给朕的,他虽然没朕尊贵,但也是有头有脸的人物,他骗朕没道理的。
It is my desire to have a chance of hearing the song of the nightingale;
it is necessary for her to be here tonight; she has my highest approval;
朕觉得她还是很有必要今晚就出现在这里;顺便告诉你 这是圣旨;
and if she does not come, all my Circle will be stamped on after tonight’s meal.”

  • Chapter 2 - 第二章

The great man gave a cry of “Tsing-pe,” and again he went running up and down the steps going from one room to another; and half the Emperor’s Circle went with him, because the idea of being stamped on was not at all pleasing to them.
公公大喊一声:“渣!” 然后他再次上蹿下跳的一间接一间房的去询问夜莺的消息,半个皇宫的人都去帮他的忙,因为全部拖出去斩了实在是太吓人了。
Everyone was putting questions about this strange nightingale, whose existence seemed to be common knowledge to all but the Emperor’s Circle.
At last they came across a poor little girl who sometimes gave help to the cook, and she said,
“Oh yes, I have frequently seen the nightingale; it is true that her song is beautiful.
终于他们遇到了一个偶尔给厨师帮忙的穷小姑娘,她说:“ 哦 我是经常看到夜莺,她的歌声确实很动听。”
Every night they let me take the bits from the table to my poor mother who is ill;
her house is down by the edge of the sea, and when I come back and am feeling tired I take a seat in the wood to have a rest while hearing the nightingale’s song.
Then my eyes become wet and it is as if my mother was kissing me.”
“Little girl,” said the great man, “I will get you regular work with the cook, and you will be given authority to see the Emperor at his meals, if you will take us to the nightingale, because she is requested to come before the Emperor tonight.”
So she went into the wood where the nightingale gave her song, and half the Emperor’s Circle came after her.
When they had gone some way, a cow suddenly gave a loud “Moo.”
“Oh,” said one of the young men of high birth, “that is she at last. What surprising power for such a small bird; that song has certainly come to my ears before.”
:“噢~” 一位贵族青年说:“我们终于找到她了!这只小鸟的身体里竟然蕴藏了这样惊人的能量,by the way我以前肯定听过那首歌。”
“No, that is only the noise of a cow,” said the little girl.
“We are still a long way from the place.”
Then the deep noise of frogs came from the wet lowlands.
“Beautiful!” said the young man of high birth again. “Now it comes to my ears, making sweet sounds like little church bells.”
:“天籁!” 这位贵族青年又说。:“现在我听到的声音,甜美的就像教堂的钟声一样!”
“No, those are frogs,” said the little girl, “but I am certain that in a short time we will be hearing her song.”
:“然而也不是,那些是青蛙的声音,” 小姑娘又说,“ 不过应该很快我们就能听到她的声音了。”
And two or three minutes after the voice of the nightingale was lifted in song.
“Quiet, quiet! There she is, and she is seated on that branch,” said the little girl, pointing to a little gray bird seated on a branch.
“Is it possible?” said the great man.
“I had no idea it would be a simple, uninteresting, little thing like that.
Seeing all these important persons has certainly had an effect on her color.”
“Little nightingale,” said the little girl in a louder voice, “our most kind Emperor has a desire for you to give your song before him.”
小姑娘大声说:“ 小夜莺,我们最仁慈的皇帝希望您能去她面前歌唱。
“With the greatest pleasure!” said the nightingale, and she gave a very beautiful song.
:“那我真是太荣幸了!” 夜莺说着,唱起一首非常美妙的歌曲。
“The sound is like little glass bells,” said the great man, “and see how her little throat is working.
:“这声音就像玻璃铃铛一样,” 公公说,“让我看看她的小嗓子是怎么运作的。
It is surprising that this has never come to our ears before.
She will do very well in the Emperor’s Circle.”
“Am I to give another song before the Emperor?” said the nightingale, in the belief that she was present.
“My very good little nightingale,” said the great man, “I have the great pleasure of making you a request to come to the Emperor, where you will get his approval by your pleasing song.”
“The sound of my song is best in the green wood,” said the bird, but she was ready to come because it was the Emperor’s desire.
The Emperor’s house was ornamented in very good taste for the event.
The walls and floors of porcelain were bright with a thousand lights.
In all the rooms there were beautiful flowers on which little bells were fixed, and, with the running about of such a number of persons and the currents of air,
these bells made such a loud noise that nothing of what anybody was saying came to one’s ears.
In the middle of the chief room a rod of gold had been fixed for the nightingale to be seated on.
All the Emperor’s Circle was there, and the little girl who gave help to the cook had been given authority to take a place by the door.
She had now become a regular cook to the Emperor’s Circle.
All were in full dress, and every eye was turned to the little gray bird when the Emperor gave a sign to her to make a start.



      本文标题:The Nightingale 夜莺
