What are the learning stages of

What are the learning stages of

作者: 乔伊斯 | 来源:发表于2016-07-19 09:27 被阅读0次

    1.  Have a reason to learn programming. Doing it so that you can say "I know how to program" won't get you anywhere. You need an aim, something that you intend to do with it. You don't learn a speaking language purely for the sake of it do you? you learn because you'll need it to communicate at some point. Same thing with programming.

    2.  Buy a good book(s) and a reference guide. I'd recommend:Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner,Automate the Boring Stuff with PythonandPython Essential Reference (4th Edition).

    3.  You don't need videos. Programming is learnt through doing, not passive watching.

    4.  Download some simple programs and study the code; it could be anything; a GUI, 2D game, web crawler,anything! Find out how they work, make modifications to them, test them, break them and have some fun.

    5.  Start work on your dream project. What you choose to do is, of course, entirely up to you; just make sure that it's something you really want to do. Not just "oh, I guess I could do that" kind-of project. Otherwise, don't expect to stick with it. If you run into any problems, ask on StackOverflow, or Quora (probably a safer bet, since you could get yourself mass-downvoted on SO without realizing why -an awful experience).

    6.  Remember to stay curious. You won't learn much if you stay within the boundaries of your project idea. Investigate, explore, and continuously strive to find out more about Python and CS in general.

    Remember: Learning never stops. It's a continuous process. Keep it that way.



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