使用 tauri + solid.js 构建桌面应用,执行 pnpm tauri build
打包命令报错:Error You must change the bundle identifier in
tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > identifier. The default value
com.tauri.devis not allowed as it must be unique across applications

tiven@bogon tauri-app % pnpm tauri build
> tauri-app@1.0.0 tauri /Users/tiven/Desktop/dev/rust/tauri-app
> tauri "build"
Error You must change the bundle identifier in `tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > identifier`. The default value `com.tauri.dev` is not allowed as it must be unique across applications.
ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1.
修改 src-tauri/tauri.conf.json
在文件中的 tauri.bundle.identifier
参数,默认值是 com.tauri.dev
,修改为其他的 非默认值 即可。如下:
"bundle": {
"active": true,
"targets": "all",
"identifier": "com.tauri-app.dev",