18、November 1,1950

作者: 四月不见 | 来源:发表于2021-12-25 06:13 被阅读0次
          MARKS & CO., Booksellers
            84, Charing Cross Road
                London, W.C. 2
                          1st November, 1950
    Miss Helene Hanff
    14 East 95th Street
    New York 28, New York
    Dear Miss Hanff,
        I am sorry for the delay in answering
    your letter but I have been away out town
    for a week or so and am now busy trying
    to catch up on my correspondence.
        First of all, please don’t worry about
    us using old books such as Clarendon’s
    Rebellion for wrapping. In this particular
    case they were just two odd volumes with
    the covers detached and nobody in their
    right senses would have given us a
    shilling for them.
        The Quiller-Couch anthology. The
    Pilgrim’s Way, has been sent to you by
    Book Post. The balance due was $1.85 so
    your $2 more than coverd it. We haven’t a
    copy of Pepys’ Diary in stock at the
    moment but shall look out for one for you.
                            With best wishes,
                            Yours faithfully,
                            F. Doel
                            For MARKS & CO.

    Clarendon’s Rebellion 《英国判乱和内战史》
    The Pilgrim’s Way 《朝圣之路》
    Pepys’ Diary 《佩皮斯日记》



        本文标题:18、November 1,1950
