

作者: Ada_3f27 | 来源:发表于2018-11-21 11:07 被阅读0次

On the weekend of 17/18th November, the weather was not bad for a football training session. On Saturday 8h30 training theme : PASS

*Trainers:  时杨,多米,赵滨,阿达

*number of kids: 19


Exercise of pass the ball were done between 5 players one by one with change of direction.( Maximum of 3touches then 2 touches)


The exercise above was implemented in 4 against 1 game exercise ( 3 touches then maximum).

Last exercise was an open game 3Vs 3


On Sunday 18th November , the theme of training session was : dribbling

number of kids : 19

A group of 4 players, two by two face to face, doing dribbling drills in a passive position

国人动作11月17、18号训练总结 最佳队员11月17、18号训练总结

at 10h30, as usual we had a training session for Young kids (4yrs,5years and 6years old)

Trainers: 阿达,黄征,徐教练,赵滨,

theme:  pass。All coaches we all worked hand in hand to help the kids to improve their level in football by organizing exercises of pass to the player teammate or to the coach all around....The requirement for the kid was to control the ball and take information about the situation before executing the pass. as quick as possible ...

The training ended up in style, kids with happy face, I hope they come back in a big big number for next weekend session



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