Level 1-31 外出就餐

Level 1-31 外出就餐

作者: 慕炜菡容 | 来源:发表于2021-07-29 21:01 被阅读0次




Do you like dessert?

At birthday parties, birthday cake is a popular dessert.

There are many other kinds of desserts, too. For example, there is ice cream and pie. Which do you like most?

apple pie

In America, everyone loves apple pie.

Apple pie is a pie made with apples. It's sweet and delicious. Everyone likes to make apple pie for parties.

American culture

But did you know that apple pie also has an important meaning in American culture?

There is a saying, " as American as apple pie". This means apple pie, like blue jeans and baseball, represents or shows American culture.

Apple pie & Home

So, why do Americans love apple pie so much?

In America, every family has their own way to make apple pie. American people think apple pie has the feeling of home.

You need a birthday for birthday cake. But you can have apple pie any time of the year.

Time of making apple pie


1. dessert

2. apple pie

3. blue jeans

4. baseball


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