Day8- Will Chinese Drink Coffee

Day8- Will Chinese Drink Coffee

作者: Yvanna_15 | 来源:发表于2018-05-14 00:24 被阅读23次


Day8—— Will Chinese Drink Coffee Over Tea

Asia has a long tradition of tea-drinking. And China is no exception.
However, lately more and more Chinese people are turning to a different drink. Coffee has become an increasingly popular choice of Chinese people living abroad and in the country's huge cities. It is also a popular crop among those living in the mountains of southern Yunnan Province.
【然而,最近越来越多的中国人开始喝不同的饮料。咖啡已成为居住在国外和中国大城市的中国人日益流行的选择。 它也是云南省南部山区居民的普遍作物。】
In big cities such as Beijing, coffee shops seem to be on nearly every major street corner. These shops are not just selling drinks from Starbucks, the world-famous coffee company. Coffee business from South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Britain are also operating in China.
【在北京这样的城市,咖啡馆几乎遍布各大街角。 这些商店不只是卖星巴克-世界着名的咖啡公司 的饮料。来自韩国,台湾,香港和英国的咖啡业务也在中国运营。】
I spoke with some Chinese women to learn if they like coffee over tea since moving to the United States.
Tea-drinking is steeped in the culture and traditions of many Asian coutries, like China and Japan. But is that changing? Are young people from Asia now choosing a cup of coffee instead of tea?
【茶饮浸透于许多亚洲国家的文化和传统中,比如中国和日本。但是,改变吗? 但是,这在变化吗?来自亚洲的年轻人现在选择一杯咖啡而不是茶吗?】



  • country's 听成 countries
  • seem 【似乎;像是;装作】

seem [siːm] 读音区别 same [seɪm]
seem to be【看来,好像】
Things seem to be going from bad to worse nowadays. 【情况似乎越来越糟了。】
But to me they seem to be all the same.【可是在我看来它们似乎都是千篇一律。】

  • selling 听成 saling(sale去e加ing)
    sell可做动词销售,也可做名词 销售;失望;推销术
    sale只是名词没有ing形式: 销售;出售;拍卖;销售额;


  • mountains 【n. 山脉;[地理] 山区;山岳(mountain的复数)】 注意拼写
  • corner【角落,墙角,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境】

just the opposite 【正好相反,恰巧相反】
not…just/quite the opposite 【不…,正好/完全相反】
例:I didn’t feel sleepy at all – just the opposite, in fact. 【我一点都不困——事实上正好相反。】

  • Britain 【英国;不列颠】
  • operate 【操作,经营,运转,管理】

Operate System【操作系统】通常简写为OS
搭配business/Oorganization 企业/机构时指企业或机构在某处或以某种方式〕经营,营业,活动

  • steep【陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的;沉浸,使…充满】

steep prices 【〔价格、收费等〕过高的,过分昂贵的】
steep rents 【昂贵的租金】
steep increase/rise 或 decrease/drop【急剧上涨/削减】
steeped in【沉浸于;充满着;专注于,埋头于;精通;洋溢,熏陶,习以成性】
steeped in salt water【盐水浸渍】
Be steeped in vice【沾染恶习】
Sth is steeped in culture and tradition 【某事物浸透于文化与传统中】

  • Asian【亚洲人,亚洲的;亚洲人的】

拓展:European【欧洲人】 African【非洲人】






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      本文标题:Day8- Will Chinese Drink Coffee
