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作者: 一早吗 | 来源:发表于2017-07-21 15:44 被阅读42次

I drink coffee every day. If you ask me why, I may answer that  coffee can help me feel focused and energetic and this kind of feeling is terrific to me.

But how does coffee work ? Let me  explain it in a simple way.

Our body needs energy every second from morning to night and we get the energy mostly from the process of breaking down  high-energy substance called ATP. During the process a certain material is released (let's call it A). A has a certain receptor (let's call it A  receptor). If A and A  receptor get together, they can activates a series of reactions that can make our nersous system slow down, or make us feel sleepy.  If you drink coffee, then there is a material in coffee get into your body, let's call it C. C's molecular structure is very similar to A, if C and A  receptor get together, A has lost chance to work with A  receptor to power down our neurons, so we feel sleep is gone.

But this kind of feeling is temporary, if our body find A  receptor is not enough ,it will produce more  for A to work, then you will feel sleepy again. If you still resist to rest, you will need more coffee, or more C to help. If you suddenly quit coffee, you will experience a terrible depressed mood. You may guess why, because there are still a lot of A  receptor in your body, there are no more C , A can work overtime. But don't worry, in a few days, your body will know that you don't need so much A  receptor , so they disappear, you will feel just as good as before.

Of course, we can not drink too much coffee. Too much C can raise our heart rate and blood pressure and contribute to anxiety.



我们的身体每时每刻都需要能量的支持,而我们大部分能量都来自体内高能物质ATP的分解过程。这一过程会产生物质A,物质A在人体内有特定的受体,我们叫它物质A受体。 如果物质A 与物质A受体 相结合,则会引发一系列的反应,最终是我们的神经系统兴奋度降低,也就是说让我们困倦。如果我们喝咖啡,那么咖啡中的物质C就会进入我们身体内。物质C的分子结构与物质A非常相似,当物质C与物质A受体结合后,物质A就不能再与物质A受体结合,从而不能让我们产生睡意。



ps: 本文内容为原创,其中物质A 为:adenosine  腺苷  物质C 为 caffeine 咖啡因


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