Taking a roasting: Starbucks
① Doors will close at more than 8,000 of the coffee chain's shops in America this afternoon as employees receive "racial-bias education".
② The training is in response to the arrest of two black men in a store in Philadelphia last month.
③ After being told they couldn't use the toilet without buying anything, they sat at a table.
④ A video of their arrest for trespassing went viral, sparking protests and talk of boycotts.
⑤ The charges were dropped and the men settled—but the roasting continued.
⑥ So earlier this month the company issued a new policy that non-paying customers could sit in their stores and use the facilities; many then worried the policy would turn stores into shelters for the homeless or the drug-addled.
⑦ Last week Starbucks clarified that disruptive guests would still be asked to leave.
⑧ The coffee chain markets itself as a "third place" between home and work; with new places come new conventions and rules.
roast /rəʊst/: vt. 烤(食物);烘焙(坚果或咖啡豆);严厉地批评;戏谑式地批评,吐槽
bias /ˈbʌɪəs/: n. 偏见
in response to: 针对……作出回应
trespass /ˈtrɛspəs/: vi. 非法闯入
go viral:(视频、言论等)在网络上大肆蔓延/广泛传播
spark /spɑːk/: vt. 导致;引发;激起 n. 火花
boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/: n./vt. 抵制
drop the charge (against): 撤销对……的指控
shelter /ˈʃɛltə/: n. 庇护所
addle /ˈad(ə)l/: vt. 使人糊涂/神志不清
addled /ˈadld/: adj. 糊涂的;神志不清的
drug-addled: adj. 嗑药导致神志不清的;吸毒成瘾的
clarify /ˈklarɪfʌɪ/: vt. 澄清
disruptive /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/: adj. 引起混乱的;捣乱的
market /ˈmɑːkɪt/: vt. 营销
Comedy Central Roast
The Comedy Central Roasts are a series of annual celebrity roast specials that air on the American television channel Comedy Central. The first official Comedy Central Roast premiered on August 10, 2003.
On average one to two roasts air every year. There are eight to ten people invited who roast each other before finally roasting the title subject of each show. As of 2016, fifteen roasts have aired. Targets of roasts have included actors and comedians.